Agenda and minutes

Full Council - Thursday 18 November 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: The Place, Limes Walk, Oakengates, Telford, TF2 6EP

Contact: Jayne Clarke / Kieran Robinson  01952 383205 / 382061


No. Item


Prayers and Reflections


Inderjit Singh, President of the Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara, Oakengates led the meeting in prayers and reflections.



Declarations of Interest


Councillor N Dugmore declared an interest in minute number 167b Notice of Motion in respect of Covid 19 and vaccinations due to him receiving remuneration for the covid vaccinations .  He indicated that he would not take part in the debate.


Councillors J Greenaway, Stephen Reynolds and D White declared an interest in minute number 167a Notice of Motion in respect of the NHS as members of the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and/or Health & Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee indicated that they would not be taking part in the discussion or the vote.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 381 KB

To confirm the minutes of the last meeting of the Council.


RESOLVED – that the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2021 be confirmed and signed by the Mayor.




Leader's Report & Announcements

The Leader of the Council may give an oral report on matters of significance to the Borough, comment upon the Cabinet decisions or make any announcements.


The Leader addressed the meeting and paid tribute as a Council and a community to Sir David Amos.


The Leader felt that, although the Borough was still trying to return to some normality, people were still able to get out and about and enjoy the high street, green and open spaces and the wonderful Town Park as well as Telford and Wrekin facilities.   Telford was a great place to work, study and live and he was delighted that the Council, and some of its staff, had recently won awards.  


The Leader spoke about the recent funding that had been granted for some key areas which would enable them to bounce back from the pandemic and ensure that Telford was a safer, greener place to work and spoke about the excellent services providing care and investment into the Borough


The Leader reported that the previous few days had marked Armistice day and Remembrance Day and that the community had come together to remember those who had fallen.  As we moved forward to the festive period he wished everyone a safe and enjoyable Christmas.


Mayor’s Announcements pdf icon PDF 255 KB

To note the Mayoral Engagements undertaken since the previous Council meeting.


The Mayor asked Members to note the recent Mayoral Engagements and, in particular, the 75th Anniversary of Remembrance which had been supported by war veterans, the military, RBL, Faith Groups and the community who came together to remember those who had served and sadly lost their lives. 


The Mayor announced that, during the meeting, cheques would be handed over to the charities that the Mayor had been supporting during the 2021/2022 municipal year, being the Jayne Sargeant Foundation and Telford Mind.


Councillor S Reynolds, former Mayor from 2019/2020 also presented a cheque to the YMCA from his Mayoral Year as he had been unable to do this due to restrictions imposed as a result of the Covid pandemic.


The Deputy Speaker thanked the Charities for attending.


Public Questions

To receive any questions from the public which have been submitted under Council Procedure Rules 7.11 and 7.12. The session will last no more than 15 minutes with a maximum of 2 minutes allowed for each question and answer. Questions can be asked of the Leader and Cabinet Members.


The following question has been submitted by Kate Barnes

“In a mailshot from the council on 13th September, £2 million was pledged to parks. On behalf of the residents of Aqueduct Ward, can we ask how this funding will be allocated across the borough for play-parks and can the cabinet member ensure that the right allocation is rewarded to the Dawley Hamlets' play parks so they reach the standard of others across the borough?”


(a)       The following question to Councillor C Healy, Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Green Spaces, Natural and Historic Environment was submitted by Kate Barnes:


In a mailshot from the Council on the 13 September two million pounds was pledged to parks.  On behalf of the residents of Aqueduct Ward, can we ask how this funding will be allocated across the Borough for play parks and can the Cabinet Member ensure that the right allocation is rewarded to the Dawley Hamlets play parks so they reach the standard across the Borough?


Cllr C Healy, Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Green Spaces, Natural and Historic Environment responded that she was proud to announce the investment of £2m for open spaces and a further investment of £1m for parks which had been announced in October and was part of the £60m investment as the Council continued to protect, care and invest in order to create a better Borough.  The Council would continue to work with local communities, friends groups, town and parish councils, ward members and other interested parties to enhance the existing open spaces as well as designating more Local Nature Reserves and green guarantee sites.  The £1m pride in our parks fund would be used to target the number of green flag accredited sites to ensure residents had access to the best quality open spaces.  Both funds would allow the Council to maximise its investment by sourcing other funding to get the best impact across the Borough.  For Dawley and Aqueduct and the Parish of Dawley Hamlets, the Local Nature Reserve would benefit from biodiversity and access enhancements and improvements and would be championed by the local friends group who had recently secured funding from the Great Crested Newt District Licensing Scheme.  She thanked Dawley Hamlets Parish Council for its contribution towards the funding.  There would also be a management plan for Dawley Park in order for it to maintain its green flag status and a new play strategy was being developed for the 120 play areas across the Borough.  A further £30,000 was being invested into the play areas within Dawley and Aqueduct with new play equipment being put in place at Pagett Drive and Spring Village.


Cabinet Decisions Made Since the Last Meeting of the Council pdf icon PDF 346 KB

To receive the report on the Cabinet decisions made since publication of the last Council meeting agenda. Cabinet Members may speak on these decisions and Members may ask questions about key decisions of the relevant Cabinet Member for the purposes of clarification only.  Members are asked to note the additional delegations to officers granted at those meetings.


Members received the report on the Cabinet decisions made since the last meeting of the Council.


Tibberton & Cherrington Neighbourhood Development Plan – Approval to go to Referendum


Councillor S Burrell asked whether the Cabinet Member would ensure that the Neighbourhood Development Plan, approved by 94% of the 28% who turned out to vote, would be given its due deference within planning determinations affecting the parish of Tibberton and Cherrington made by the local planning authority within


The Leader responded that as the Cabinet member was not present at the meeting he would ensure that the comments would be passed to him and the local plan, together with planning policies and legislation would be taken into consideration when any planning decisions relevant to that parish or any other parish were made.


Recommendations from Cabinet


2021/22 Financial Monitoring pdf icon PDF 203 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor R C Evans Cabinet Member for Council Finance and Governance presented the report of the Director: Finance & HR (Chief Financial Officer) which provided details of the capital programme and use of balances which required formal approval by full Council.


RESOLVED – that the changes to the capital programme and use of balances detailed in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.


Recommendations from Boards and Committees


Appointment of External Auditors for April 2023 Onwards pdf icon PDF 246 KB

At its meeting held on 28 September 2021, the Audit Committee made the following recommendation to Council:


a) the information and options available as set out in section 4 of the report be noted;


b) that the Council use option 3, the national Sector Led Body (SLB) appointed by the Government – Public Sector Audit Appointments Ltd to undertake the procurement;


c) full Council the approve the proposal to opt into the PSAA for the purpose of appointing External Auditors for the audit of the financial years 2023/24 onwards;


d) delegated authority should be granted to the Chief Finance Officer (or their delegated officer) to take all appropriate actions to opt into the PSAA procurement process and engages with the PSAA to inform their specifications and proposed supplier; and


e) delegated authority should be granted to the Associate Director: Policy & Governance (or their delegated officer) to take all actions needed to enter into all necessary legal documentation required to give effect to this decision.



Councillor C Smith summarised the requirements for the Council to appoint external auditors for the appointing period commencing the audit of the financial year 2023/24.  At its meeting on 28 September 2021, the Audit Committee considered the options available for future appointments of external auditors under the relevant legislation and agreed to recommend to full Council that the national Sector Led Body appointed by the Government, was adopted.  Full Council was asked to approve the Council opting in to the Sector Led Body (Public Sector Audit Appointment Ltd - PSAA) procurement route for the appointment of external auditors


RESOLVED – that:

a)    the information and options available as set out in section 4 of the report be noted;


b)   the Council agreed to use option 3, the national Sector Led Body (SLB) appointed by the Government – Public Sector Audit Appointments Ltd to undertake the procurement;


c)    the proposal to opt into the PSAA for the purpose of appointing External Auditors for the audit of the financial years 2023/24 onwards be approved;


d)   delegated authority be granted to the Chief Finance Officer (or their delegated officer) to take all appropriate actions to opt into the PSAA procurement process and engages with the PSAA to inform their specification and proposed supplier;


e)    delegated authority be granted to the Associate Director: Policy & Governance (or their delegated officer) to take all actions needed to enter into all necessary legal documentation required to give effect to this decision.



Gambling Act 2005 – Statement of Licensing Principles pdf icon PDF 654 KB

At its meeting held on 12 October 2021, the Licensing Committee made the following recommendation to Council:


the Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy for the Gambling Act 2005 be presented to Full Council for approval on 18th November 2021.


Councillor C Turley presented the Statement of Licensing Gambling Policy.  The Council’s Licensing Committee had a statutory duty to review the Policy every three years.  A consultation was undertaken by Public Protection in July-August 2021 and no representations were received.  The Policy remained largely the same as previous policies with the exception of an addition in Section 12 to reflect changes in the Gambling commission’s guidance regarding gaming machines.  At its meeting on 12 October 2021, the Licensing Committee agreed to recommend the Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy to Full Council for approval.  If approved, the Policy, would be published on 4 January 2022 taking effect from 31 January 2022.


Councillor V Fletcher asked the following questions:


At page 41 of the policy, the definition of ’Responsible Authority’ included the Safeguarding Children’s Board, but there was no reference to Telford and Wrekin Adults Safeguarding Board; what was the reason for this?


On a number of pages, significant weight and emphasis was given to the protection of vulnerable children and vulnerable people and those people who gamble beyond their means, what warning signs are in place in gambling facilities,  what help is provided what measures are in place to combat the excesses of gambling?



Councillor Turley confirmed that he would ask a Licensing Officer to provide a written response to the questions.




a)    the Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy be approved; and


b)   the policy be published on the website on 3 January 2022 taking effect from 31 January 2022.



Councillor Questions On Notice

To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 6.2.


NB      In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 6.2.9 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers.  Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days.


The following questions were asked under Council Procedure Rule 6.2.2:-


a)    Councillor P Scott will ask the following question of Councillor David Wright, Cabinet Member for Economy, Housing, Transport & Infrastructure:


There are more and more estates being built in the Telford and Wrekin area and many are waiting and in some cases hoping to be adopted by the council. What future plans are there to adopt any of the unadopted estates? If there are plans, specifically which estates?


Councillor L D Carter Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood, Commercial Services and Regeneration responded on behalf of Councillor D Wright.  The Council understood the frustrations of residents, parish and town council and ward members with the lack of communication from developers as to why roads have not been adopted.  The Council was bound by the Highways Act and had no statutory or legal powers to enforce the adoption of new roads.  Many authorities across the country faced the same challenges.  Before being adopted, roads must meet the required standard and design and be technically appraised.  The Council continued to do as much as it could, to ensure that adoption agreements were signed in a timely fashion with all ongoing works being technically appraised and inspected throughout the build process.  The Council had clear procedures in place to ensure that the roads were constructed to the correct standard before being adopted. The Council had limited control on the rate of progress due to delays outside of its control, for example, the slow adoption of sewers by Severn Trent Water, the road still being used for development or the developer going out of business.  Multiple road adoptions had recently taken place with more to be completed imminently.


Councillor P Scott confirmed that, as Councillor D Wright was not available at the meeting, he would write to him with a further question.



b)    Councillor P Scott will ask the following question of Councillor David Wright, Cabinet Member for Economy, Housing, Transport & Infrastructure:


The council kindly agreed to survey its car parks with a view to looking at possible improvements. Can the cabinet member for Transport please give us an update?


Cllr L Carter responded on behalf of Cllr D Wright that a meeting took place in September to discuss car parking and the continuation of free parking was an ongoing commitment.  The car parks in Newport were surveyed on 22 October 2021 and the team were awaiting receipt of the survey data.  Surveys on other car parks across the Borough were also underway.  The data would be used as a factual basis to develop ideas for consideration by ward members, partners and parish and town council as soon as possible.


Councillor P Scott noted that discussions had  taken place regarding a review  of 40 minute spaces on the High Street, Lower Bar and St Marys Street and asked for an indication that this matter could be reviewed due to concerns on the limited time on the parking spaces’


Cllr L Carter responded that the starting point  ...  view the full minutes text for item 164.


Notices of Motion


Councillor S Davies will propose the following Motion :-

“This Council notes, with grave concern, the intense pressure that our local hospital is under and this will be compounded by a difficult winter ahead for the NHS.  The recent stories of ambulances queuing outside our A&E at PRH for hours with patients desperate to be treated or waiting for ambulances to arrive is unacceptable.  Our NHS staff are working flat out, feeling demoralised and exhausted.  Shropshire Future Fit hospital shakeup remains not fit for purpose, with escalating costs now pitched at £533million from its original budget of £312m.  Never has it been more apparent that Telford needs to keep a 24/7 A&E Service and a fully functioning Women’s and Children’s Centre.


“It is clear that our NHS is in crisis both locally and nationally.  It cannot go on and this Council therefore requests an urgent meeting with the new Secretary of State for Health & Social Care, Savid Javid and calls on him to intervene urgently to ensure our PRH retains its much needed 24/7 A&E and Women’s & Children’s Centre.”


The Motion will be seconded by Councillor R A Overton.



(a)           Motion :-


Councillor S Davies moved, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 7, the following Motion:


This Council notes, with grave concern, the intense pressure that our local hospital is under and this will be compounded by a difficult winter ahead for the NHS.  The recent stories of ambulances queuing outside our A&E at PRH for hours with patients desperate to be treated or waiting for ambulances to arrive is unacceptable.  Our NHS staff are working flat out, feeling demoralised and exhausted.  Shropshire Future Fit hospital shakeup remains not fit for purpose, with escalating costs now pitched at £533million from its original budget of £312m.  Never has it been more apparent that Telford needs to keep a 24/7 A&E Service and a fully functioning Women’s and Children’s Centre.


It is clear that our NHS is in crisis both locally and nationally.  It cannot go on and this Council therefore requests an urgent meeting with the new Secretary of State for Health & Social Care, Savid Javid and calls on him to intervene urgently to ensure our PRH retains its much needed 24/7 A&E and Women’s & Children’s Centre.


The Motion was seconded by Councillor R Overton


A robust debate followed during which a request to move an amendment was made.  Advice was given that the Council’s Constitution required notice of amendments to be given before the meeting.  During the debate, a number of Members referred to concerns about the current proposals for Telford.


In accordance with Committee Procedure Rule 9.5, recorded vote on the motion was taken, the voting being as follows:


For:     38 

Councillors S Bentley, K T Blundell, A J Burford, E Callear, E Carter, L D Carter, G H Cook, S Davies, N Dugmore, A Eade, N A M England, R C Evans, I T W Fletcher, V Fletcher, C Healy, M Hosken, T L B Janke, A Jhawar, J Jones, J Lavery, A Lawrence, A D McClements, K Middleton, L Murray, T Nelson, G Offland, R A Overton, I Preece, G C W Reynolds, S A W Reynolds, S J Reynolds, H Rhodes, K S Sahota, P J Scott, J Seymour, C F Smith, M Smith, B J Thompson and C R Turley.


Against:          0


Abstentions: 1

CouncillorD R W White.


NB. Councillors E J Greenaway, S J Reynolds and D R W White did not take part in this debate due to their Membership of the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and/or the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee.


RESOLVED - that the Motion be approved


Councillor N A Dugmore will propose the following motion :-

“This Council strongly advises all residents to listen to the advice of medical experts and take the opportunity of a COVID 19 and flu vaccination both for the protection of themselves, friends and families and also to reduce the risk of transmission of the viruses.


We also urge our NHS leaders to work with this Authority to provide more walk-in vaccination centres in order to reduce waiting times to administer more vaccinations which we consider to be essential in protecting frontline medical provision.”


The Motion will be seconded by Councillor S Bentley.


Cllr S Bentley proposed the following Motion:


This Council strongly advises all residents to listen to the advice of medical experts and take the opportunity of a COVID 19 and flu vaccination both for the protection of themselves, friends and families and also to reduce the risk of transmission of the viruses.

We also urge our NHS leaders to work with this Authority to provide more walk-in vaccination centres in order to reduce waiting times to administer more vaccinations which we consider to be essential in protecting frontline medical provision.


The Motion was seconded by Councillor A Lawrence


During the debate that followed, Members encouraged those who were not yet vaccinated to obtain a vaccination and expressed their thanks to local communities, volunteers, the NHS and the Fire Service for their support in delivering the vaccination programme.


NB. Councillor Dugmore did not take part in the debate or vote due to his being involved in the vaccination programme by virtue of his employment.



RESOLVED – that the motion be approved