Agenda and draft minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday 4 September 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Third Floor, Southwater One, Telford TF3 4JG

Contact: Jayne Clarke  01952 383205


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

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Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 232 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 July 2024.


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RESOLVED – that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 24 July 2024 be confirmed and signed by the Chair.




Deferred/Withdrawn Applications

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Site Visits

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Councillor Chris Turley

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The Chair paid tribute to Councillor Chris Turley who had recently passed away following a period of illness.   He asked that Members joined him in keeping Chris’ family and friends in their thoughts during this sad and difficult time.  A minutes silence was held as a mark of respect.




Planning Applications for Determination pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Please note that the order in which applications are heard may be changed at the meeting.  If Members have queries about any of the applications, they are requested to raise them with the relevant Planning Officer prior to the Committee meeting.

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Members had received a schedule of planning applications to be determined by the Committee and fully considered each report.


TWC/2023/0673 - Land off Hadley Castle Works, Hadley, Telford, Shropshire pdf icon PDF 233 KB

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This was an application for the erection of 5no. industrial units (up to 90,951m² of commercial floorspace) (Use Classes B2/B8 and E(g)(iii)) with ancillary office space (Use Class E(g)(i)) with associated parking, ev parking, gatehouses, cycle shelters, attenuation pond, landscaping and all associated engineering works and highway works, including site clearance and enabling works on land off, Hadley Castle Works, Hadley, Telford, Shropshire.


The application was before Committee at the request of Hadley & Leegomery Parish Council and the Ward Councillor.


A site visit took place on the afternoon prior to the Planning Committee.


Councillor G Offland, Ward Councillor, supported development and employment but not at the cost of the health and wellbeing of local residents.  She raised concerns regarding the layout of the bays facing residential properties, highway congestion on the A442 and along Hadley Park Road, noise, pollution, hours of operation, conservation and heritage.  She asked that the application be deferred until the further consultation currently ongoing had been concluded and the concerns of residents were considered further.


Councillor P Millward, Hadley & Leegomery Parish Council, confirmed that the Parish Council did not oppose investment, development and jobs, but raised concerns in relation to the impact on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of local resident from noise, pollution, dust and a 24-7 operation of the facilities which would destroy a peaceful way of life. Material considerations were overlooking, loss of privacy, scale, dominance, highway safety, noise, dust, fumes and wildlife conservation.  He questioned the evidence of workforce availability for the creation of 1850 jobs.  It was requested that this application be deferred for further consultation.


Mr D Sellwood, member of the public, spoke against the application and raised concerns in relation to how the assessment in relation to 24-7 noise and disturbance had been produced and validated.  As the end user was not currently known, he raised further concerns as to how mitigation would be achieved and in relation to policy BE1 no significant adverse impact could yet be demonstrated and there was yet to be an end user.  Further concerns were raised in relation to the mass and height of the buildings, visual impact on residents and the street scene and tree screening was inadequate. He questioned the scale and orientation of Unit 1.  It was asked that the applicant change the design to make it more marketable and make this a non 24-7 hour development.


Mr S Clerk, Applicant, spoke in favour of the application which had been extensively discussed with the planning team, stakeholders and consultees who had found the proposal acceptable.  The site had been identified as a strategic employment area on the adopted Telford and Wrekin Local Plan and was previously developed land and had a long history of employment.  The development would host modern facilities to meet the needs of the occupiers and advanced discussions were taking place with interested parties.  There would be approximately 2000 jobs created across the site and would bring an economic boost to the area.  There would  ...  view the full minutes text for item PC15


TWC/2023/0714 - Land off Buildwas Bank (North of Silvertrees, Jiggers Bank), Coalbrookdale, Telford, Shropshire pdf icon PDF 460 KB

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This application was for the erection of a battery energy storage system including access track, CCTV and light poles, car parking spaces, perimeter fencing and gates, and associated infrastructure on land off, Buildwas Bank (North of Silvertrees, Jiggers Bank), Coalbrookdale, Telford, Shropshire.


This application was before committee at the request of Councillor G Thomas.


Councillor G Thomas, Ward Councillor spoke against the application raising concerns in relation to safety and environmental impact, limited access, fire risk and toxic fumes from battery storage and the impact of the water.  Further concerns were raised in relation to the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) which was directly in the field below and any water from a fire would run into Coalbrookdale and the Ironbridge Ward.  This part of Telford and Wrekin was unstable and recent stabilisation works had taken place on Jiggers Bank as the land had dropped five foot.  It was felt that it would be difficult to put any fire out on this site with its limited access and this development would amplify the risks.  There would be no benefit to the rural community due to the impact on the SSSI, the inadequate access and unstable waterway and it was asked that the application be refused.


Cllr D Cooper, Little Wenlock Parish Council, spoke against the application in relation to the safe operation of the site.  The NFCC guidelines were draft and out for consultation and could not be taken into account.  Whilst some areas of the application met planning policy others did not and the fear of an appeal was not a valid reason to approve the application.  He shared examples of recent articles in relation to fires within battery storage plants and asked that the technology not be rushed into putting the safety of firefighters, the community and residents at risk.


Mr N Cussen, Applicant’s Agent spoke in favour of the application and the urgent need to tackle climate change.  The Local Plan supported low carbon energy in order to meet national need, reach net zero emissions and bring down bills.  The application was subject to conditions which were recognised.  Consultation had taken place with the local community, residents and the Parish Council.  There were no technical objections from consultees.  Grid connection on this site was confirmed and this was the reason why the developer had chosen at this site.  Screening would be implemented as recommended by the Heritage Officer and there would be no loss of agricultural land.  The Scheme was considered to have less than substantial harm and in relation to the NPPF the harm was outweighed by the public benefit.  The land was not designated or valued landscape and the application was considered not be to materially detrimental due to the biodiversity net gain.  Fire safety measures and design were the most up to date and the safety strategy would be maintained for the life of the scheme.  Recent Planning Inspector decisions had given significant weight to moving to net zero and the benefit of  ...  view the full minutes text for item PC16


TWC/2024/0357 - Land opposite Blackbird Close, Overdale, Telford, Shropshire pdf icon PDF 221 KB

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This application was for the erection of a sports pavilion with 1no. artificial and 1no. grass pitches, creation of a new access including vehicle and cycle parking with landscaping and associated works on land opposite, Blackbird Close, Overdale, Telford, Shropshire.


The application was before Committee as the proposal involved the Council as applicant and landowner and comprised a development over 5 hectares.


A site visit took place on the afternoon prior to the Planning Committee meeting.


Councillor M Boylan, Ward Councillor, spoke in favour of the application but raised concerns in relation to the environmental impact and losing another wild area.  Further information was requested on the management plan/ ownership/community use and how it would be allocated.  Consideration needed to be given to the impact, times of usage, noise, lighting and the impact of the local residents close to the site.  There would be increased traffic on the infrastructure with the development of the Lidl site and on Waterloo Road with the development of the Shropshire Star site.  It was requested that community engagement took place in relation to the concerns and they be taken on board in order to ensure a successful application.


The Planning Officer informed Members that this application was located in the urban boundary and had been long established to deliver sports pitches in line with the Lawley S106 sustainable urban development extension.  Planning consent was granted in 2014 for earthworks to facilitate the future provision of sports pitches and the need for these facilities was highlighted in the Playing Pitch Strategy 2016 and the Football Association’s long term strategy that every affiliated team were able to train once a week on a floodlit 3G pitch.  Noise, light, pollution, overshadowing and overlooking had been addressed within the report.  The noise and lighting assessments had been reviewed and were acceptable subject to conditions.  Evening matches were being limited to 24 matches per year after 8pm together with controls of the light installation and the hours of use of the facility.


The topography of the site was set down from residential development to the south and was buffered to the east and west by proposed car parking and Waterloo Road.  Additional planting would take place on the southern boundary comprising of 18 new trees.  Management of the site was not currently known but this would be conditioned and a pre-commencement condition for a Community Use Agreement to be in place and that they would need to reach out to community groups and offer the use of the facility to the community. 


No technical objections were received from statutory consultees and the local highway authority had no objections.  Offsite works would be conditioned, secured by a S278 Agreement.


During the debate, some Members felt that there should be more of these developments throughout the country.  Noise issues had been dealt with but they raised concerns in relation to the traffic along Roslyn Road and it was requested that some form of traffic calming be installed in order to help  ...  view the full minutes text for item PC17