Venue: AFC Telford United, New Bucks Stadium, Watling Street, Wellington, Telford, TF1 2TU
Contact: Jayne Clarke 01952 383205
Note: Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, capacity restrictions within the meeting room are in place. Priority for public access to the meeting room will be given to those who have registered to speak on an application to be considered at this meeting. If there are spaces remaining in the public gallery after the registered speakers have been seated, then these seats will be offered to the public on a first come, first served basis, however, capacity is limited, and as such we would strongly recommend that interested members of the public watch the proceedings via the live stream on YouTube. Should there be more registered speakers than the capacity of the room allows, you will be provided with an estimated timeslot for your application. Please wait outside of the venue until you are called in to speak. Registered speakers may need to leave the venue following their chance to speak to allow further speakers access to the venue.
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Cllr I Fletcher declared an interest in planning application TWC/2019/1046 as he indicated that Buildwas School was part of the Multi-Academy Trust that he was a Board Member of.
Cllr R Mehta declared an interest in respect of planning application TWC/2019/1046, as his wife was a GP in the medical practice in Ironbridge. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 213 KB To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: RESOLVED – that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 10 March 2021 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman. |
Deferred/Withdrawn Applications Minutes: None. |
Site Visits Minutes: None. |
Planning Applications for Determination PDF 104 KB Please note that the order in which applications are heard may be changed at the meeting. If Members have queries about any of the applications, they are requested to raise them with the relevant Planning Officer prior to the Committee meeting. Minutes: Members had received a schedule of planning applications to be determined by the Committee and fully considered each report and the supplementary information tabled at the meeting regarding TWC/2019/1046. |
TWC/2019/1046 - Ironbridge Power Station, Buildwas Road, Ironbridge PDF 1010 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: This was a cross boundary application for outline permission to consider access off the A4169, up to 1,000 dwellings, retirement village, employment land comprising classes B1(A), B1(c), B2 and B8, retail and other uses comprising classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, D1 and D2, allotments, sports pitches, a railway link, leisure uses primary/nursery school, a park and ride facility, walking and cycling routes and associated landscaping, drainage and infrastructure works.
This application had been referred to the Committee as it was the subject of a S106 Legal Agreement to secure financial contributions and on-site affordable housing.
An update report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
A short video was presented to Members giving an overview of the site and the proposals.
Councillor C Healy, Ward Member, spoke on behalf of residents in Coalbrookdale and Ironbridge. She raised concerns regarding number of dwellings and commercial units which would have a huge impact on the community, although it was appreciated that this site would be developed. It was also recognised that this was a brownfield site and a key development site for Shropshire Council and this would be difficult to refuse as under the NPPF it was suitable for development and a Planning Inspector would find in favour of development if it went to appeal. Further concerns raised were additional traffic, gravel extraction and the impact on the highway, foul water flooding. In respect of the passenger light railway she remained sceptical but happy to be proved wrong. The increase in population was recognised but was mitigated against and she welcomed the improved traffic calming, the school and healthcare as this was an issue. On balance it was felt due to mitigation measures that this was a sensible and appropriate application and asked Members to support the conditions set out in the report and the update report.
Councillor I Fletcher read out a statement on behalf of Councillor J Greenaway (adjoining Ward Member), who was unable to attend the meeting. There had been a number of objections as the site sat within the Shropshire area but the impact would be felt within Telford and Wrekin with regard to services, facilities and infrastructure. She raised concerns regarding increased highway traffic along the A4169, Jiggers Bank and the B5223 to junction 6 of the M54 and the capacity for additional traffic and HGV movements for site clearance and the impact on traffic from the proposed development. It was felt that the Castlefields Way island would become backed up at peak times, there were no safe footpaths along the A4169 and there had been little emphasis on the impact on Lawley Way at peak time together with pollution and capacity on Lawley Cross Roads and West Central Way. Further concerns were raised with regard to the impact on primary and secondary schools and the displacement of children to Much Wenlock schools and the impact on the residents of Horsehay who attended William Brookes School. There was no expansion plan for William Brookes school or ... view the full minutes text for item PC154 |