Venue: Council Chamber, Third Floor, Southwater One, Telford TF3 4JG
Contact: Jayne Clarke 01952 383205
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr S Reynolds declared an interest in planning application TWC/2024/0521 because he had commented on the application and indicated that he would withdraw from the meeting during determination thereof. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 23 October 2024.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 11 December 2024 be confirmed and signed by the Chair. |
Deferred/Withdrawn Applications Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Site Visits Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Planning Applications for Determination Please note that the order in which applications are heard may be changed at the meeting. If Members have queries about any of the applications, they are requested to raise them with the relevant Planning Officer prior to the Committee meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Members had received a schedule of planning applications to be determined by the Committee and fully considered each report and the supplementary information tabled at the meeting planning applications TWC/2024/0521 and TWC/2024/0612. |
TWC/2024/0148 - Ellerdine Grange Farm, Ellerdine, Telford, Shropshire, TF6 6QR Additional documents:
Minutes: This was an outline application for the erection of 2no. barn egg laying units (24,000 birds per unit) including all associated works at Ellerdine Grange Farm, Ellerdine, Telford, Shropshire, TF6 6QR.
The Application was before Planning Committee at the request of Ercall Magna Parish Council.
Councillor Kevin Connor, Ercall Magna Parish Council, did not object to the application in principle but in relation to the units and the local and impact on neighbouring properties and businesses. He was grateful that many of the issues raised could be managed by conditions, the S106 Agreement and highway mitigation measures and was aware that further work to finalise details of passing places needed to be undertaken. He raised concerns regarding pollution, the geography and topography in the locality of Ellerdine lakes due to the ground saturation and surface run off to the sites below. Flash flooding could take place at any time and one spill or leak would have an impact on the wildlife and flora and fauna of the area.
Mr R Corbett, Applicant’s Agent, spoke in support of the application which was of a well designed and stable form which helped to tackle climate change and it was on the top 100 list for investments into the UK. No objections from consultees had been received and DEFRA supported the proposals and it delivered against their targets for health, welfare and wider sustainability and innovation which maximised food production and reduced carbon emissions. The units were dry cleaned rather than power washed every 14 months. Highway improvements would benefit local residents and visitors to the fishing pools and in relation to drainage the S106 agreement would set out conditions in relation to the foul surface drainage.
The Planning Officer informed Members that the drainage would be dealt with by conditions and this was normal practice. The washdown process would be via a dry process every 70 weeks whereby litter would be blown into another part of the building. The shed was air conditioned and cleaned the ammonia from the air and removed odours and particles. The dry manure was put into sheeted containers within the buildings which was different than broiler chickens for meat. The dry litter would be sent to the burner unit owned by the applicant for the wider sustainability as it created electric and heat which was used on the farm in Wem. This improved the carbon neutrality of the overall system as the bottom ash was used as a fertiliser with nothing being wasted. In respect of the Parish Council’s concerns in relation to the tank washdown process, the tanks would not contain water. Where there is moisture content this would be sterilised before new chickens enter and there would be no contamination as this would be dealt with by the soakaways in the field.
During the debate, some Members felt that this was an innovative project and as the cleaning process and contamination had been addressed it was an exciting development on balance. It was an innovative ... view the full minutes text for item PC19 |
TWC/2024/0521 - The Place, Limes Walk, Oakengates, Telford, Shropshire, TF2 6EP Additional documents:
Minutes: This application was for the partial demolition of theatre and construction of a new main theatre auditorium, secondary studio, concourse and back of house facilities in addition to the refurbishment of the retained wing of the building to form extension to the theatre with new restaurant and bar and external works comprising landscaping, replacement substation and reconfiguration of the theatre car park, New Street car park and on-street parking at Slaney Street at The Place, Limes Walk, Oakengates, Telford, Shropshire, TF2 6EP.
This application was before Planning Committee as the proposal involved the Council as the Applicant.
An update report was tabled at the meeting and updated members on the provision of parking.
The Planning Officer informed Members that this was the next phase of the regeneration of Oakengates town centre, in order to make this a destination and better serve the residents and attract visitors and businesses. It was supported by a range of policies in the Local Plan which would help to improve the economy, increase the cultural provision, and enhance the community facilities. It also addresses matters of ecology, land stability and highways infrastructure. There were approximately 390 parking spaces available across the town centre to serve businesses and shoppers although due to the range of users and services these parking spaces could not be apportioned to any one particular user. By applying the Local Plan parking standards 129 of these spaces could be considered as serving the theatre with 174 parking spaces being required for the most popular shows when the theatre was operating at capacity. To assist with concerns, the applicant had provided 32 additional spaces reconfiguring the parking spaces at the Theatre Car Park, New Street and Hartshill Park. An enhanced travel plan had been submitted and would evolve over the time, identifying what worked well and how visitors could be encouraged to visit and improve way finding from the bus and train stations. Arriva buses would be approached to ensure arrivals and departures would coincide with before and after any shows taking place.
During the debate, some Members welcomed the application and felt that this was a huge boost to Oakengates. On the comment from Oakengates Town Council what conditions could be put in place in order for disruption to the site and the area being kept clean and tidy in order that it did not become disruptive. Other Members considered that the walls needed to have something to reflect the building being a theatre. Queries were raised in relation to what would happen to the nursery after the 5 year temporary permission to relocate, would the library need to locate and would the theatre rarely be filled to capacity. Other Members were encouraged in relation to parking and the plan to move away from cars and promote active travel.
The Planning Officer confirmed that there was a construction and environmental management plan in order to minimise the impact of the development. In relation to capacity, this information was supplied by the ... view the full minutes text for item PC20 |
Additional documents:
At its meeting on the 23 October Members agreed that the application be deferred in order to request the applicant consider a reduction in the number of dwellings.
Councillor S Handley, Ward Councillor spoke against the application, who was not against new developments, but felt careful consideration needed to be given to where they were built. He raised concerns regarding the windfall site, which was a speculative development, the additional pressure on health services, schools, the local highway and the village being used as a shortcut for traffic, the historical land and the moat, damage to the local wildlife habitat and if a newt survey had been undertaken. The land was currently used for organic grazing and the loss would be disappointing. The lease on the land housing the farmhouse was due for renewal within five years and he considered that this could lead to further housing and highway impact.
Councillor R Tyrrell, adjoint Ward Councillor, raised concerns on the speculative application. The land was not identified in the Local Plan and there had been. There had recently been two developments in the locality already completed with a further development east of Priorslee underway. The site house an historic Roman moat and Policy BE8 sought to protect to archaeological heritage. Concerns were raised regarding drainage and the flood risk assessment and the lack of compliance with policies ER11 and ER12, highway impact and the speed of the traffic of 60mph.
Mr A Whittle, member of the public, spoke against the application and raised concerns regarding the lack of consultation, residents’ views not being taken into consideration, impact on the historical site, a recent blue light traffic incident on the proposed access to the site, a recent water shortage and the grading of the pumping stations, the site of the tree planting and lack of privacy.
Mr P J Triplow, Applicant’s Agent, spoke in favour of the application. The masterplan had now been amended from 100 dwellings to around 80 dwellings with open space increasing from 9,000 to 10,000 square metres. Two continuous green corridors running across the site had now been incorporated which increased the green space offer, widened the public right of way and brought forward biodiversity on the site. Included was an informal play space and two areas for community growing. The apartment building had now been removed and a zone suitable for bungalows had been identified. Facing rear windows would be no closer than 21m and there would continue to be a 5m development free zone to protect the moat. Density fell to 17 dwellings per hectare with the inclusion of the open space. A S106 Agreement would deliver improvements to healthcare, education, highway safety and green infrastructure.
The Planning Officer informed ... view the full minutes text for item PC21 |