Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Thursday 27 May 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Telford College, Haybridge Road, Wellington, Telford, TF1 2NP

Contact: Stacey Worthington  01952 384382


No. Item


Declarations of Interest




Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 316 KB


RESOLVED – that the minutes of the meeting held on 22 April 2021 be confirmed and signed by the Chair.


Leader's Announcements


The Leader advised that the review of the Telford & Wrekin Local Plan had been suspended due to the recent Queen’s Speech announcing Government’s intention to introduce new planning legislation which was likely to impact upon the Local Plan.


The Cabinet Member for Economy, Housing, Transport and Infrastructure stated that the Government had set out their intention to change the entire planning system, so it was appropriate to wait for the outcome of this before reviewing local arrangements. The Leader confirmed that the green guarantee and local nature reserve elements of the local plan would run separately and would continue. The Leader invited the Leaders of the Opposition to comment.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat / Independent Group welcomed the announcement and asked how long the process would take. The Cabinet Member for Economy, Housing, Transport and Infrastructure advised that the Government had timetabled the plans for Autumn however, the legislation would need to go through the parliamentary process and it was unlikely to go through until the next calendar year. He stated that there needed to be an understanding of the new requirements.


The Leader of the Conservative Group stated he understood the reasons for the delay and was glad that green spaces would not be affected. He asked what the Council’s plans were, should the legislation be delayed.


The Leader advised that Telford and Wrekin had a local plan in place until 2031 and this would continue. The Government had outlined its ambition to build 300,000 new homes every year and they would need this legislation to fulfil that.


The Leader expressed his thanks to Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service for their efforts in relation to the Ketley fire. They had worked tirelessly over the last four weeks to bring the fire under control and finally out. The Environment Agency had bought two people to Court over an incident in 2017 and the Environment Agency were looking at post-2017 incidents. The site had been handed over to the Environment Agency and DEFRA. Any plans for the future of the site would be in consultation with local businesses and residents.


Association Of Directors Of Adult Social Services - Peer Challenge Of Telford And Wrekin Adult Social Care pdf icon PDF 454 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor A J Burford, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care presented the report of the Director of Social Care. The report summarised the findings of the recent Peer Challenge. The Peer Challenge Team stated, in summary, that ‘Telford has exceptional adult social care operational delivery and partnerships relationships and is in a strong position to position itself as the leader of the population health, economic restoration and maximising the digital inclusion offer at the local place.’


Cabinet Member stated that the report spoke for itself and was a tribute to the hard work of the Director of Social Care and her officers. The report showed that the Council was putting its values into actions.


Cabinet Members welcomed the report, in particular the acknowledgment of the strong partnership working in the Borough.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat / Independent Group stated the report was a great accolade. Not every resident would get perfect care, but this was acknowledgment that the Council was trying its hardest. He expressed his thanks to officers. The Leader of the Conservative Group expressed his congratulations to the team and noted his desire for this to continue.


RESOLVED that he progress followed during the Peer Challenge and the excellent findings highlighted within the report and within the full presentation (Appendix 1 of the report) be noted.




Building Safer And Stronger Communities Through CCTV pdf icon PDF 305 KB


Councillor R A Overton, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Enforcement, Community Safety and Customer Services presented the report of the Director of Neighbourhood and Enforcement Services. The report outlined the partnership between the Council and West Mercia Police, which focused on tackling crime to make our neighbourhoods a great place to live, work and visit.


CCTV was a key component to enhance community safety and the report highlighted the investment into this area, which included:

·         A new viewing suite in Oakengates

·         Over 400 new CCTV cameras

·         15 new mobile cameras

·         Over £830,000 of partnership funding invested into the programme.

The report also outlined the next steps of the programme and further opportunities.


Cabinet Members welcomed the investment into this area, noting that it provided reassurance for residents.



a)      The content of this report and progress made to date be noted

b)      The next steps of CCTV infrastructure across the borough as part of enhancing community safety to ensure our neighbourhoods are great places to live, work and visit be endorsed.




The Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 & Local Code Of Good Governance pdf icon PDF 969 KB


Councillor R C Evans, Cabinet Member for Council Finance and Governance represented the joint report of the Chief Financial Officer and the Monitoring Officer. 


Under the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015, the Council was required to produce an Annual Governance Statement, and it was best practice that it was signed by the Leader and Chief Executive of the Council. The Statement accompanied the Annual Accounts. The Statement included an action plan to ensure that the Council continued to improve its existing governance arrangements. The action plan attached to the 2019/20 statement (implemented during 2020/21) had been reviewed and updated and was appended to the report.


The Annual Governance Statement and Local Code of Good Governance outlined that the Council was continually reviewing and improving its procedures to maintain and demonstrate good corporate governance, and that it had in place robust systems of internal control. The Council could be assured that during 2020/21, including during the response to the global Covid-19 pandemic, the existing arrangements had continued to support proper governance. Assurance for the Annual Governance Statement was provided by all areas of the Council including senior management, Members, the Chief Financial Officer, the Monitoring Officer and internal audit.


The Council’s current Code of Good Governance, had been approved to reflect the CIPFA/SOLACE framework including revised principles, guidance and good practice received during the preceding year.


RESOLVED – that the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21, attached as Appendix A to the report, be approved and that the information in the report be noted.