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This was a reserved matters application pursuant to planning application TWC/2018/0701 (200no. dwellings, retention of the existing sports hall building for community uses with associated access, car park, public open space, attenuation areas and associated infrastructure) including details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale on the site of former Charlton School, Severn Drive, Dothill, Telford, Shropshire.
Councillor K Tomlinson, Ward Member, had requested that the application be determined by the Planning Committee.
The Planning Officer addressed Members that this was a reserved matters application which sought approval for 195 dwellings with consideration being sought on appearance, layout, landscaping and scale. The principle of development had been granted, together with sustainability and this was not for consideration. There was a mix of housing types and there was an ecological corridor on the western boundary opposite the Dothill Local Nature Reserve and the football pitches, together with open space and a LEAP and the proposals included two car parks for the Wrekin Gymnastics Club and the football pitches.
Councillor K Tomlinson submitted a statement to be read as she was unable to attend at the meeting. The statement raised concerns regarding the ecological corridor which had now been reinstated and the design and street layout amended. She welcomed the reduction in dwellings but was disappointed that some of the houses had insufficient garden space, but noted that these houses could not be extended. The LEAP had not been resolved and it was hoped that any green space be maintained by the Council. Her main concern was parking and she felt that 66 spaces was not sufficient and parking issues would be exacerbated, particularly along Harley Close. She also raised concerns regarding the Whitchurch Road/North Road junction and if there was enough funding from the S106 to alleviate the issues on the hazardous bend. It was suggested that if Members found it difficult to approve the application that a site visit take place in order to get the development right for local residents.
Councillor L Jinks spoke on behalf of the Town Council who raised concerns regarding the ecology, the LEAP, flow of traffic, the Whitchurch Road/North Road junction, heavy traffic and the additional traffic which this development would bring. It was asked if a mini roundabout could be installed to alleviate the flow of traffic. She raised drainage and flood waters and whether the sewers would be adopted by Severn Trent. Concerns were raised regarding the ecological corridor and the impact on the Dothill Local Nature Reserve and although bat and bird boxes were to be incorporated on the north of the site it was asked if this could be repeated on the southern part of the site. It was reiterated that if Members were unable to make a decision that the application be deferred and a site visit take place.
Mr P Smith, a member of the public, spoke against the application as he lived close to the proposed development and adjacent to the Local Nature Reserve. He raised concerns regarding ... view the full minutes text for item 264