Issue - meetings

Ten by Ten

Meeting: 17/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 141)

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The Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families presented the report of the Director: Education and Skills.


The report sought approval to implement the Ten by Ten initiative launched by Wes Streeting MP. The scheme aimed to encourage and motivate all children to take part in ten life-enhancing activities by the time they were ten years old.


Whatever their background, every child should have the chance to take part in activities that open their eyes to new opportunities. For children to thrive they needed challenge, support and experiences, both inside and outside of the classroom.


Whilst the initiative encouraged the participation of all there was specific focus on increasing opportunity for those from disadvantaged backgrounds. 


Implementation of the scheme would be led by the Council and delivered through a joint approach with key stakeholders including schools, community providers, parish and town councils, local charities and other third sector organisations. 


If approved, Telford & Wrekin would be among the first councils in the country to adopt the Ten by Ten initiative.


Cabinet Members welcomed the report, noting the importance of experiences and opportunities in building  confidence in children and the significant impact it could have on their life.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat group stated his support for the initiative.


The Leader of the Conservative group welcomed the focus on disadvantaged children but queried the use of data relating to five to fifteen year olds for a programme up to the age of ten.


In response, the Cabinet Member stated that the data covered the relevant age group, recognising that support should not end at the age of ten but continue into later life, and praised the hard work of officers in developing the report.


RESOLVED – that Cabinet


(i)           Approves the implementation of ten by ten across Telford and Wrekin.


(ii)          Authorises the Director for Education and Skills, after consultation with the Lead Member for Children, Young People and Families to take all required action and utilise funding totalling £200,000 from the Investment in Council Priorities Fund to support implementation of the initiative.