257 TWC/2021/0670 - Former Doseley Works (Phase 3C2), Doseley, Telford, Shropshire PDF 515 KB
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This was an application for the erection of 23no. dwellings with associated garages and access on the former Doseley Works (Phase 3C2), Doseley, Telford, Shropshire
This application was before Committee for determination as it was a major application and required a S106 Agreement.
Councillor D Hopkins spoke against the application on behalf of Dawley Hamlets Parish Council and raised concerns regarding the negative impact of the quality of life both present and future residents, the access on St Lukes Road, highway safety and traffic impact, the condition of the roads and lack of footpaths and dropped kerbs, narrow dangerous road, below the minimum national space standards, parking and garage space and play facilities. He asked Members to refuse the application.
As the Applicants were unable to attend at the meeting a statement was read out on their behalf and referenced that this was Phase 3C2 of the development for 23 dwellings of which were 6 affordable dwellings (25%) of different types and tenures and was the final parcel within the former Doseley Works development which secured approval in 2014. The site measured 0.76ha and the layout complimented the masterplan based on Garden City principles with extensive landscaping and were of high standard in design and construction which would minimise the carbon footprint. A S106 would ensure suitable contributions to support local infrastructure and asked Members to vote in favour of the application.
The Planning Officer informed Members that there had only been two public objections on the site which were on the principle of the development and access to the site overall which had been built out in earlier phases and no submissions had been received from either the Ward Member or the Parish Council since the application submission in June 2021. The house types put forward were the same as those on the other phases of the development and the density matched the wider site and although some of the dwellings did not meet the NDSS specifications, it was a centrally located within an established area and on balance was not considered sufficient to warrant refusal of the scheme. The principle of development was already deemed acceptable and the design considered appropriate. In relation to the impact on the highway network, Highway Officers had considered that this application did not have a significant impact due to a minimal increase on vehicular trips during peak hours. Highways contributions were sought towards highway improvements on St Lukes Road. In response to the points raised by the Parish Council, the improvements to St Lukes Road a scheme of works would take place combined with further sites that had come forward for development and may include improvements such as traffic calming/restrictions and formalisation of on street parking and would be subject to a public consultation. A meeting had been arranged with this Parish Council for discussions to take place on the initial draft plans with public consultation to take place mid-summer. Recreation contributions were not requested as there was already substantial open space ... view the full minutes text for item 257