Issue - meetings

TWC/20xx/xxxx -

Meeting: 09/02/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 249)

249 TWC/2020/0356 Land opposite Woodside Farm, Kynnersley Drive, Lilleshall, Newport, Shropshire pdf icon PDF 175 KB

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This application was for the creation of a manege, parking, associated boundary treatments and the erection of stables/equestrian buildings on land opposite Woodside Farm, Kynnersley Drive, Lilleshall, Newport, Shropshire


The Application was before Committee at the request of Councillor A Eade.


Members had attended a site visit on the afternoon prior to the meeting.


The Area Team Planning Manager presented applications TWC/2020/0356 and TWC/2020/0358 which both related to land opposite Woodside Farm, Kynnersley Drive, Lilleshall, Newport, Shropshire.


Lilleshall Parish Council had submitted a statement.  This had been received after the deadline for additional information, but the statement broadly outlined, highways, policy TA1 of the Lilleshall Neighbourhood Plan, a conflict with Design Policy B1, Policy LE2 in relation to ecology and landscape and the Wealdmoors was a strategic area.  Kynnersley Drive was in the Parish of Lilleshall and the development was on the boundary, concerns regarding the public right of way through the site, the gate and hedgerow fronting the land and the impact of nearby residential properties.


Councillor A Eade, Ward Councillor, spoke against the application and raised concerns regarding Policy C3 of the Local Plan, access and egress and the impact on the narrow lane, highway safety, the local authority assessment of the visits to the livery yard were underestimated, delivery traffic, intensification of use and lack of passing places, new Highway Code rules regarding the passing of horses at a safe distance and the impact with the narrow land and drainage ditches, limiting horses to within the yard itself, the lack of conditions in relation to the manege being limited to “not for public hire” and it was urged that this condition be added if Members were minded to approve the application.


Ms K Lutner, a member of the public, spoke again the application and raised concerns regarding the detrimental impact on the Wealdmoors which was a strategic area within the Local Plan, landscape the lack of a character assessment, the isolated site that would detract from the land, negative impact on wildlife, in particular badgers and a licence would be required, the impact on Kynnersley Woods and the flat topography of the area, increased traffic on narrow lanes, impact on the special qualities of the area and interruption to the peace and tranquillity.


Mr A Lane, Applicant’s Agent spoke in favour of the application which was a small scale livery for a maximum of 10 horses which was an acceptable use of the land within the rural area.  The existing field gate and access would be utilised but improvements made to its appearance, visibility splays will be provided, there were no objections from the highways authority, vehicle movements would be minimal with an estimation of 8 movements per day and he considered this would be far less than agricultural vehicles using this field.  Ecology and drainage assessments had been undertaken and there were no objections from officers.  This was a small scale, sensitive livery set in the rural area which officers had recommended for approval.


The Area  ...  view the full minutes text for item 249