Issue - meetings

Green Guarantee

Meeting: 06/01/2022 - Cabinet (Item 130)

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This item was received at Item 9.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Parks, Green Spaces, Natural and Historic Environment and Cultural Services presented the report of the Director: Prosperity and Investment.


The report reaffirmed the protection of spaces in council ownership. Since the strategy had been adopted in 2015, Cabinet had protected 200 sites covering 557 hectares and sought to identify further sites for protection. The report was largely to clarify the approvals process for new Green Guarantee sites – previously renewals and new agreements would have to go through Cabinet. The new process, set out in the report, would delegate the powers to directors in consultation with the Cabinet Member. Disposal of sites would still be a matter for Cabinet decision.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group expressed support for the scheme and queried whether sites adjacent to nature reserves could be adopted to the nature reserves. The Cabinet Member informed the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group that this was a matter under investigation.


The Leader of the Conservative Group queried whether Green Guarantee land leased out would come at a cost to public access.


At sites partially leased, any remaining space would remain open to the public and be subject to investment.


RESOLVED – that Cabinet


a)         Endorse the continued promotion of the use of the designated Green Guarantee sites for use by the public;


b)        Authorises the Director; Prosperity & Investment and the Associate Director; Policy & Governance in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Green Spaces, Natural and Historical Environment and Cultural Services to grant relevant leases and licences and other interests in accordance with paragraph 4.7 of the report; and 


c)         Confirms that any decision that did not meet the requirements set out within paragraph 4.7 of the report, including freehold disposals, would remain decisions to be taken by Cabinet.