95 Learning Disability Strategy PDF 286 KB
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Councillor P Watling, Cabinet Member for Co-operative Communities, Engagement & Partnerships presented the report of the Director: Adult Social Care.
The report had been delayed as a result of the pandemic but this had influenced the report that was presented. The consultation embodied the approach of the Council as a Co-operative Council, engaging key stakeholders cross the area. Users had been involved in the process, with Telford Voices playing a key role in development and in monitoring the implementation of the action plan.
Painstaking work had been undertaken to ensure people were treated as individuals, talking to them, their families, and carers to ensure a personalised approach.
Three focuses had arisen from the consultation: getting ‘out and about’, providing the right support, and access to respite.
Members welcomed the report and the strategy employed in its creation, it was of the utmost importance that the voices of those served were heard.
The Leader of the Conservative Group expressed support but noted a desire for measurable objectives to ensure progress continued and targets were met.
i. The content of the report and appendices be noted;
ii. The proposals for the draft Learning Disability Strategy and Action Plan within this report, noting the specific changes following consultation (Page 9, point 6.5) be approved; and
iii. Delegated authority be granted to the Director: Adult Social Care in consultation with the Lead Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and the Telford and Wrekin Learning Disability Partnership Board to take the necessary steps to implement these recommendations.