Issue - meetings

2021/22 Financial Monitoring

Meeting: 17/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 134)

134 2021/22 Financial Monitoring pdf icon PDF 293 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance and Customer Services presented the report of the Director: Finance & H.R. (Chief Financial Officer).


Despite sound financial management, there had been increased costs in supporting for a number of services, including Adult Social Care and Children’s Safeguarding. The projected outturn position was expected to be over budget by £1.14m at year-end, a deterioration of £0.079m. Covid-19 support funding from the government was a one off and had largely ended. In cases such as the income guarantee scheme, only a portion of the shortfalls faced by the Council, and only for part of the year, had been compensated.


The capital programme totalled £73m for 2021/22; at the time of the reports compilation, the projected spend was 88% of the budget allocation. Some slippage was anticipated as a result.


Cabinet Members and the leaders of the Conservative and Liberal Democrat groups thanked the finance team for their work.


RESOLVED – that Cabinet


(i)         Note the 2021/22 revenue budget position;


(ii)        Note the position in relation to capital spend; and


(iii)       Note the collection rates for NNDR, council tax and sales ledger.