175 2021/22 Financial Monitoring PDF 204 KB
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Councillor R C Evans moved the recommendations. Councillor R A Overton seconded.
RESOLVED – that full Council:
(i) Note the 2021/22 revenue budget position;
(ii) Note the position in relation to capital spend and recommend that Full Council approve the changes to the capital programme detailed in Appendix 3; and
(iii) Note the collection rates for NNDR, council tax and sales ledger.
125 2021/22 Financial Monitoring PDF 175 KB
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The Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance and Customer Services presented the report of the Director: Finance & H.R. (Chief Financial Officer).
The Council continued to face increasing costs for, and demands on, services: this included Adult Social Care and Children’s Safeguarding. The projected outturn position for the Authority was expected to be £1.06m over budget at year-end – a deterioration of £0.56m compared to the last report position in November 2021.
Projected service pressures were £5.24m. The £1m anticipated funding shortfall relating to business rates took the total pressure to £6.24m against which the Council’s £5.18m emergency response funding allocation would be applied. This left a residual projection of £1.06m overspend by year-end. After covering the shortfall, the projection was that there would be £2.89m left in the contingency at year-end.
The capital programme totalled £73m for 2021/22. This included all approvals since the budget was set. At the time of compiling, the projected spend was 88% of the budget allocation.
RESOLVED – that Cabinet
a) Note the 2021/22 revenue budget position
b) Note the position in relation to capital spend and recommend that Full Council approve the changes to the capital programme detailed in Appendix 3
c) Note the collection rates for NNDR, council tax and sales ledger