Issue - meetings

Adult Social Care Peer Challenge Feedback

Meeting: 27/05/2021 - Cabinet (Item 75)

75 Association Of Directors Of Adult Social Services - Peer Challenge Of Telford And Wrekin Adult Social Care pdf icon PDF 454 KB

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Councillor A J Burford, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care presented the report of the Director of Social Care. The report summarised the findings of the recent Peer Challenge. The Peer Challenge Team stated, in summary, that ‘Telford has exceptional adult social care operational delivery and partnerships relationships and is in a strong position to position itself as the leader of the population health, economic restoration and maximising the digital inclusion offer at the local place.’


Cabinet Member stated that the report spoke for itself and was a tribute to the hard work of the Director of Social Care and her officers. The report showed that the Council was putting its values into actions.


Cabinet Members welcomed the report, in particular the acknowledgment of the strong partnership working in the Borough.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat / Independent Group stated the report was a great accolade. Not every resident would get perfect care, but this was acknowledgment that the Council was trying its hardest. He expressed his thanks to officers. The Leader of the Conservative Group expressed his congratulations to the team and noted his desire for this to continue.


RESOLVED that he progress followed during the Peer Challenge and the excellent findings highlighted within the report and within the full presentation (Appendix 1 of the report) be noted.