Issue - meetings

Telford & Wrekin Homes

Meeting: 10/06/2021 - Cabinet (Item 83)

83 Housing Investment Programme - Telford & Wrekin Homes pdf icon PDF 532 KB


Councillor D Wright, The Cabinet Member for Economy, Housing, Transport and Infrastructure presented the report of the Director for Prosperity and Investment.


The report provided an update in relation to the Housing Investment Programme. The report updated on the acquisition of around 100 existing homes for affordable and private rent, presented branding for the scheme and sets out proposals for increasing the scheme.


Telford & Wrekin Homes builds on the strengths of Nuplace. The objectives of Telford & Wrekin Homes were to protect existing housing stock, to raise standards in the private rented sector and to provide a range of housing options for priority groups in the Borough, for example care leavers and veterans.


Members welcomed the report and stated that the scheme would help to build communities. Members noted that they received complaints regarding poor landlords, although there were many excellent landlords in the Borough.


In response to a question from the Conservative Group Leader, The Cabinet Member for Economy, Housing, Transport and Infrastructure stated that the valuer appointed was to provide a starting point valuation. Telford & Wrekin Homes, as well as Nuplace, needed to provide a balance between providing market rent and affordable properties as the schemes needed to be sustainable long term.





a)      the progress made to date in relation to Telford & Wrekin Homes and the acquisition of the first tranche of properties be noted

b)      the branding proposals for Telford & Wrekin Homes be approved.