119 Tibberton & Cherrington Neighbourhood Development Plan – Proceed to Making the NDP PDF 249 KB
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The Deputy Leader explained that the Localism Act 2011 introduced legislation which allowed Parish and Town Councils to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for their administrative area. This report recommended that the Tibberton & Cherrington Parish NDP became the sixth NDP in the Borough to be adopted, reflecting the Council’s commitment to engage local communities further in planning for development in their local areas.
The purpose of this report was to recommend that Cabinet ‘make’ Tibberton & Cherrington Parish NDP following the outcome of the local referendum on 11th November with 90% of those people who voted supporting the Neighbourhood Plan. This would mean that the policies within the Tibberton & Cherrington Parish NDP would become part of the Development Plan for Telford & Wrekin and would be considered in the determination of planning applications in the Tibberton & Cherrington Parish NDP area alongside national and borough-wide planning policy.
The Leader of the Conservative Group welcomed the response to the public consultation which showed the Council was listening to local residents.
The Deputy Leader welcomed residents positively getting involved with the planning process.
a) Cabinet agrees to make the Tibberton & Cherrington Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan; and
b) Cabinet authorises the Director: Housing, Employment & Infrastructure to exercise all of the Council’s relevant powers and duties and undertake all necessary procedural arrangements relating to the making of the Tibberton & Cherrington Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan.