96 Tibberton & Cherrington Neighbourhood Development Plan – Approval to go to Referendum PDF 348 KB
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The Cabinet Member for Economy, Housing, Transport & Infrastructure presented the report of the Director: Housing, Employment & Infrastructure.
This report related to a neighbourhood plan for Tibberton & Cherrington that had been developed by the parish council with local residents and Telford & Wrekin Council. The report sought the authority to put the proposals to a local referendum. The plan would then sit within the development plan framework for the Borough.
If the referendum result affirms the adoption of the plan,, there would be another report to Cabinet on the insertion of the plan into the wider Telford & Wrekin plan.
Cabinet was supportive of the process and would support other parishes in developing their own plans.
i That Cabinet agree with the Independent Examiner that, subject to his recommended modifications, the Tibberton & Cherrington Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan meets the “basic conditions” and all other legal requirements as summarised in this report and in the Independent Examiner’s report;
ii That Cabinet agree that the required modifications be made to Tibberton & Cherrington Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan and that the Tibberton & Cherrington Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan Referendum Version (August 2021) should proceed to Referendum;
iii That Cabinet agree that the Referendum Area should not be extended beyond the designated area to which the Tibberton & Cherrington Neighbourhood Development Plan relates; and
iiii That the Chief Executive proceed to exercise all the relevant powers and duties and undertake all necessary arrangements for the Tibberton & Cherrington Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan (Referendum Version) to now proceed to Referendum and for the Referendum to take place asking the question whether the voter wants Telford & Wrekin Council to use this neighbourhood development plan for the Tibberton & Cherrington Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan area to help it decide planning applications in this neighbourhood area.