Environment Scrutiny Committee Recommendation
To consider the recommendation of the Environment Scrutiny Committee – that the Council undertakes, as part of the climate emergency agenda to install dual use recycling bins within Telford Town Park and all of the Borough’s Parks. Following review and evaluation, provision of dual-recycling litterbins to be considered for our high streets. Authority to be delegated to relevant officers to determine the final location/s subject to such work being within the existing approved budget.
The Cabinet received a presentation from Councillor C Cassar, Vice Chair of the Environment Scrutiny Committee. The timeliness of this report, on what was International Recycling Day, was noted.
The Environment Scrutiny Committee had received a presentation on street waste and recycling and had been keen to investigate the possibility of installing dual-use recycling bins in the Borough. Members of the Committee were eager to enable and increase recycling participation in the Borough, allowing residents to recycle conveniently on the go.
Following passionate cross-party work, the Committee made the recommendation to Cabinet that the Council rollout dual-use recycling bins in the Telford Town Park and four other major Borough parks. The recommendation called for the trial to be reviewed and followed by a rollout of dual-use bins to the Boroughs high streets.
The Committee recognised the importance of providing opportunities for residents to recycle whilst visiting the Borough’s towns and green spaces and had been encouraged by the progress being made within the Borough by many stakeholders concerning the Climate Emergency.
Cabinet Members expressed their support for this recommendation and thanked the Committee for its hard work.
a) As part of the climate emergency commitment, the Council will install dual-recycling bins across the Borough. Working in partnership with Town/Parish Councils, local business and stakeholders, the Council will begin by installing dual-recycling bins across high footfall areas (including but not limited to Oakengates, Newport and Wellington) in the Borough including Telford Town Park and the Borough’s Parks.
b) Following detailed review and evaluation of this initial trial, the on-going provision of dual -recycling litterbins will be considered for a programme of further roll out.
c) Authority be delegated to relevant officers to work with partners to determine the final location/s of this initial trial.