54 Telford & Wrekin Safer Communities Programme PDF 430 KB
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Enforcement, Community Safety and Customer Services presented the report of the Director: Neighbourhood & Enforcement Services. The report outlined the proposed £1.5m investment into the Safer Communities programme, of which £1m would be allocated from the Council, with the Police and Crime Commissioner contributing a further £500,000.
The programme sought to address the root cause of crime. There would be an increase in the number of Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers, and the number of police officers in the borough had increased by 60 since 2016. The programme run for two years from April 2021, however, it was envisaged that engagement and monitoring would continue into future years.
Members welcomed the report.
a) the approach and investment in the new Telford & Wrekin Safer Communities programme as outlined in the report be endorsed.
b) authority be delegated to the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Enforcement, Community Safety & Customer Services, in consultation with the Director: Neighbourhood & Enforcement Services to approve the areas identified following the data review to benefit from the Safer Communities investment.
c) Authority be delegated to the Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Enforcement, Community Safety & Customer Services in consultation with the Director: Neighbourhood and Enforcement Services to finalise the series of social measures that will help to monitor and evaluate the impact of the Safer Communities investment programme.