Issue - meetings

Customer Service Strategy (Final)

Meeting: 07/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 42)

42 Customer Service Strategy (Final) pdf icon PDF 461 KB

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Cllr R A Overton, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Enforcement, Community Safety and Customer Services presented the report of the Director: Communities, Customer and Commercial Services. The report set out the new Customer Strategy, which had the vision to ‘work with our customers to develop quality services that are accessible to all and to make every contact count’.


The strategy built on existing good practice and highlighted improvements in a number of areas, including improved telephone performance and an increase in uptake of online services. The strategy outlined the aims to offer more services online, while recognising that online is not the best option for everyone and that alternative services would be provided for those who wanted them.


A formal consultation on the draft aims and the proposed Customer Contract (the renamed Customer Charter) took place in the Autumn of 2020, which confirmed there was strong support for the strategy.


Cabinet Members welcomed the report and noted that residents were at the heart of everything the Council did. In response to a question from the Leader of the Conservative Group. The Deputy Leader confirmed that due to Covid-19 pandemic, it had not been possible to consult in the usual ways and the consultation had taken place online.




a)    The new Customer Strategy and the Customer Contract attached at appendix A and B of the report be approved. This Strategy will be implemented with effect from 7 January 2021.

b)   Delegated Authority be granted to the Director: Communities, Customer and Commercial Services in consultation with the Lead Cabinet Member for Enforcement, Community Safety and Customer Services to take the necessary steps to implement these recommendations.