108 Get Building Fund - Stronger Communities - New College,Wellington PDF 543 KB
Prior to the determination of this item, Councillor C Healy left the meeting.
Councillor D Wright, Cabinet Member: Economy, Housing, Transport & Infrastructure, presented the report of the Director: Prosperity & Investment.
a) The formal acceptance of the Get Building Fund award, appropriate changes to the capital programme as set out in paragraph 6.2 of the report, and the entering into a back to back Funding Agreement with the delivery partner as recommended by Cabinet on 5 November 2020 be approved
b) Authority be delegated to the Director: Prosperity & Investment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member: Economy, Housing, Transport & Infrastructure, to enter into all necessary legal agreements to enable this programme to proceed as recommended by Cabinet on 5 November 2020
c) The tender and procurement of a contractor for the delivery of the development proposals as detailed in the report be noted and endorsed
d) Cabinet approval for the sale of land at New College as set out in paragraph 5.6 of the report be noted.
Following determination of this item, Councillor C Healy return to the meeting.
36 Get Building Fund - Stronger Communities - New College, Wellington PDF 542 KB
Key Decision identified as Get Building Fund – Stronger Communities - New College, Wellington in the Notice of Key Decisions published on 27 October 2020.
Recommendation for Full Council – Not Subject to Call-In
Councillor D Wright, Cabinet Member for Economy, Housing, Transport and Infrastructure presented the report of the Director: Prosperity & Investment. The report sought the approval for the redevelopment of the New College, Wellington site, whilst protecting the historic frontage of the main college building. The proposals would also bring forward a neighbouring piece of land for development. The scheme would progress in conjunction with the Wrekin Housing Group and would see the development of an extra care facility as well as bungalows.
The scheme would benefit from LEP funding and match funding had been secured from the delivery partner of the Wrekin Housing Group.
Cabinet Members welcomed the scheme and noted the significant impact this scheme would have on this area of Wellington. Members considered this was an imaginative proposal and would secure much needed specialist accommodation for residents. RESOLVED – that
a) the formal acceptance of the Get Building Fund award, appropriate changes to the capital programme as set out in paragraph 6.2 of the report, and the entering into a back to back Funding Agreement with the delivery partner be RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL
b) the tender and procurement of a contractor for the delivery of the development proposals as detailed in the report, subject to Full Council agreement of CAB-26a, be approved
c) the sale of land at New College as set out in paragraph 5.6 of the report be approved
d) authority be delegated to the Director of Prosperity & Investment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy, Housing, Transport & Infrastructure to enter into all necessary legal agreements to enable this programme to proceed be RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL