Issue - meetings

Better Homes for All Update 2024

Meeting: 10/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 6)

Better Homes for All Update 2024

To receive an update on Better Homes for All 2024.

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The Cabinet Member: Homes, Enforcement & Customer Services presented the Better Homes for All update which sought to improve housing conditions in the private rented sector whilst tackling landlords who were not adhering to the rules.  It also sought approval for amendments to the Council’s Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy along with its associated fees and charges.


The private rented sector (PRS) had doubled in size over the last 10 years. Home ownership continued to be unaffordable for many while a decline in social housing meant that the private rented sector was plugging an essential gap in the market.


Nationally, there was a spotlight on housing conditions in the private rented sector.  In Telford and Wrekin, the Council worked with tenants, landlords and external partners to improve conditions and supported landlords to ensure conditions were in accordance with national standards as well as tackling landlords who did not adhere to the rules.


This report set out an overview of the work undertaken by the council in the last 12 months which support residents in rented accommodation.   The council would continue to work with partners to track progress on actions to ensure the Borough’s housing needs remain compliant while seeking continued improvement.


It was reported that 156 enforcement notices had been issued as well as 12 civil penalty notices.  The council had successfully prosecuted a letting agent.  A further 44 HMO licences had been issued bringing the total to 217.


The council were working with the Ageing Well Strategy Board, Age UK and the Marches Energy Agency to support older residents living in poor conditions and had brought 55 empty homes back into use.


A Landlord Tenant Coordinator was provided by the council to support landlords and tenants as a single point of contact.


The Better homes Loan scheme was an offer to residents on low incomes and landlords and owners of empty properties, to help improve conditions, essential repairs and energy efficiency measures.


Thanks was given to the teams across the council who were delivering to all local residents.


Members welcomed the report and expressed that a good quality home was the foundation of a healthy lifestyle and that it was good to see robust action being taken.  The council were going beyond the statutory minimum bringing empty properties back into use and addressing the housing crisis and ensuring good living standards.  It was hoped that the new government would provide more tools to local authorities in order that more could be done.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group welcomed the report which helped to address rogue landlords.  He asked that the council promoted the work they did as a welcoming friend for private tenants.  It was hoped that the new stable government would help bring the pressures down in relation to the cost of rent and also end no fault evictions.


The Leader of the Conservative Group commented on the alarming statistics in relation to the doubling of private renting and the quality of housing was really important.  The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6