Issue - meetings

2023/24 Financial Outturn Report

Meeting: 18/07/2024 - Full Council (Item 10b)

10b 2023/24 Financial Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 526 KB

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Meeting: 10/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 5)

2023/24 Financial Outturn Report

To receive the 2023/24 Financial Outturn Report.

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The Cabinet Member: Finance and Governance presented the 2023/24 Financial Outturn Report which set out the final outturn position for the year in relation to the revenue budget, capital programme and income collection.


Since the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) was approved, the economic climate had continued to change with high inflation, high energy costs, increases in interest rates and increasing demand for many services partly fuelled by the cost of living emergency facing our residents, businesses and the Council itself.


The report set out the final financial outturn position for 2023/24 with the funding outlook for the medium term remaining very uncertain.  


Despite the significant pressures faced during 2023/24 the Council ended the year within budget and clearly demonstrated strong financial management and financial resilience.  Additional income received across leisure and highways and from grants was applied against the budget.


The gross revenue budget for 2023/24 was £481m and the net budget was £146m. The revenue outturn position was within budget by £0.015m. The year end position allowed a small number of one-off investments in key areas to be made which supported the Council’s priorities and future financial sustainability.


The Council has not had to make any unplanned use of the budget strategy reserve, which remained at £21.7m.


The financial position was better than report to Cabinet in February due to additional income being received across several areas including leisure, highways and grants which was applied against the base budget.  There had been capitalisation of costs across several areas which included the stringent management of vacancies and forecast costs being lower than expected in areas such as repairs and maintenance and transport costs in education and skills.  This had allowed for a small number of one-off investments to support council priorities.


All of the £3.9m contingency fund had been used and additional reserves released to offset cost pressures during the year.


Adult Social Care was £8.377m over budget with £1.1m being in relation to the reablement services and pressure due to the discharges from hospital.   Children’s Safeguarding were £3.984m over budget with all other areas within budget.


Treasury Management performed better than expected providing a £1m benefit.  Other one-off benefits had also been received from good robust forecasting.


The public health grant totalled £13.598m which in 2023/24 and was ring-fenced to support public health responsibilities and £2.27m would be carried forward to 2024/25.


Outturn again the Capital programme was £83.49m against an approved budget of £90.05m.  Details of rephased schemes were set out in the report. 


The report set out the position in relation to NuPlace Ltd and at 1 March 2024 the housing portfolio comprised of 500 homes with 23 acres of brownfield land being regenerated.   The unaudited accounts showed that NuPlace generated an operating profit after interest and taxation of £0.253m in 2023/24. The company issued a dividend of £0.253m in 2023/24 which was paid to the Council as its sole investor.  Including the dividend, the Council received a total of £2m from Nuplace during 2023/24.


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