Issue - meetings

2024/25 Telford & Wrekin Schools Funding Formula

Meeting: 04/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 43)

43 2024/25 Telford & Wrekin Schools Funding Formula pdf icon PDF 263 KB

To receive the Telford & Wrekin Schools Funding Formula report for 2024/2025.


The Cabinet Member: Adult Social Care & Health Systems presented the 2024/25 Telford and Wrekin Schools Funding Formula on behalf of the Cabinet Member: Education, Employment & Visitor Economy who was unable to attend the meeting.


A review of the local funding formula for mainstream schools in line with revisions from the Department for Education (DfE) took place annually in consultation with schools and the Schools Forum and applied to both academies and maintained schools as set out in the report.

The DfE had miscalculated the number of pupils in the Borough (and nationally) which meant that the net impact on per pupil amounts were around 0.62% less than they would otherwise have been.   Despite this, there had been a modest increase in the per pupil funding for 2024/25 for Telford and Wrekin of 2.12% which as slightly above the national average of 1.90%.

In order to help with special and high educational needs pressures, local authorities could transfer 0.5% of the schools block budget between Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) blocks which equated to £0.8m in 2024/25 for Telford and Wrekin but this decision would be taken by the Schools Forum rather than Telford & Wrekin’s Cabinet.  A consultation would take place with local schools and the Forum would vote at their meeting on 18 January 2024.


In relation to the reduction/removal of joint use funding a decision was awaited from the DfE.  Contingency plans were being developed in the event that the funding was reduced or withdrawn.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group commented that this was a further cut to schools due to heating and salary costs.


The Deputy Leader of the Conservative Group expressed concerns in relation to the turnover of teaching staff, prosperity being founded on education and skills.  He also noted that the funding for schools was insufficient but recognised that the council would work within the national framework despite the lack of funding provided to it.


RESOLVED – that the 2024/25 funding formula for Telford & Wrekin mainstream schools, consulted on with the Schools Forum, be approved.