Issue - meetings

Visit Telford Destination Management Plan 2024 -2029

Meeting: 11/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 59)

59 Visit Telford Destination Management Plan 2024 -2029 pdf icon PDF 601 KB

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The Cabinet Member: Education, Employment and Visitor Economy presented the report of the Director: Communities, Customer and Commercial Services.


The report highlighted the current approach to supporting visitor economy within the borough and set out recent progress in raising awareness of Telford & Wrekin as a visitor destination.


It set out the five-year Destination Management Plan (DMP) for Telford & Wrekin which was underpinned by a detailed action plan guiding the Council to further grow the visitor economy and provided a framework for partnership work with key stakeholders, memberships and visitors.


Cultural events were a major draw locally, regionally and nationally and the Council would continue to build on their strong foundations.


Proposals to establish a new Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP), working collaboratively with Shropshire Council and key partners were also detailed in the report.  This would help support the visitor economy to thrive and bring community and economic benefits ensuring people stayed longer and spent more.  The LVEP would bring added benefits of access to funding and support from Visit England and Visit Britain.


Following a consultation, 92% of residents who took part felt tourism had a positive impact and was an important part of the plan which focused on local residents and attracting visitors from further afield.


Cabinet Members welcomed the report.  Ironbridge Gorge was a very important destination for the borough and region with attendance from visitors and local people as days out were vital and gave a real boost to the local economy.  LVEP would bring forward good opportunities for the future.  It was important to showcase what was on offer and develop other areas around the borough in order that people stay longer to have a greater impact.   Tourism had a direct impact with local businesses benefitting the most, particularly in relation to high inflation and high energy costs.  Investment into the high street, leisure facilities and keeping the street clean was undertaken in partnership working with Town and Parish Councils.  The visitor economy promoted green spaces, housing and employment opportunities.  People visited Telford on a regular basis due to its offer.


The Deputy Leader of the Conservative Group commented on the substantial piece of work that had been undertaken.  He noted the logic of the LVEP approach and was pleased that the Council would retain their independence.  Objective and numeric standards that were directly measurable were welcomed.  There were lots of things to be done including the took kits and passports to adventure and keeping focus on these was important.


The Leader confirmed that the plan was for the period 2024-29 and there were lots of opportunities for accountability through Cabinet and Council meetings.  New visitors to the borough would grow the economy.  Success breeds success.  This was an excellent opportunity to do more on the agenda with the ambition to increase both regional and national visitor numbers.  The level of energy costs was of concern leading to business closing or reducing operating hours.  This reduces the visitor offer and this needed to be a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59