Issue - meetings

Telford & Wrekin Council Registered Provider Housing Management Board

Meeting: 15/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 52)

52 Telford & Wrekin Council Registered Provider Housing Management Board pdf icon PDF 358 KB

To approve the creation of Telford & Wrekin’s Housing Management Board.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member: Homes & Enforcement presented the report of the Director: Housing, Employment & Infrastructure.


The report sought the agreement of Cabinet for the creation of a Housing Management Board to provide oversight and compliance for properties owned by Telford and Wrekin Council under their Registered Provider (RP) status and to have responsibility for all aspects of the Council’s role as a Local Housing Authority.  It set out the make up of the Board membership and its strategic oversight and governance and would ensure the Council complied fully with regulatory requirements as both a Registered Provider and Local Housing Authority.


It was intended that the Housing Management Board would operate separately but in parallel with the existing Housing Investment Programme Board which gave oversight to the investments made through the Council wholly owned Housing Company.


The Deputy Leader of the Conservative Group asked that reassurance be given that democratic oversight would not be reduced.


The Cabinet Member: Homes & Enforcement confirmed that any changes to policy would be brought back to Cabinet for scrutinisation and recommended for consideration at Full Council.




a)     the creation of a Housing Management Board with responsibility for all aspects of the management, operation and oversight of the Council’s responsibilities as Local Housing Authority, including the approval and adoption of any and all associated policies be approved;


b)   delegated authority be granted to the Housing Management Board to confirm and adopt suitable Terms of Reference; Telford & Wrekin Council Registered Provider Housing Management Board;


c)    the work which has been undertaken so far in respect of the Council’s responsibilities as a Registered Provider of housing and Local Housing Authority be noted; and


d)   the Housing Management Board provide an annual update of its work and decisions to Cabinet.