Issue - meetings

Transition Arrangement for Marches Local Enterprise Partnership

Meeting: 19/10/2023 - Cabinet (Item 35)

35 Arrangements for the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership pdf icon PDF 325 KB

To receive a report on future arrangements for the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Cabinet Member for Finance, Customer Services and Governancepresented the report of the Director: Housing, Employment & Infrastructure. The report detailed the plans to establish a new Joint Committee between Telford & Wrekin Council, Shropshire Council and Herefordshire Council to oversee and manage the short-term transfer and any ongoing activities required to manage the residual assets, resources and responsibilities of the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) in accordance with the recent Government decision to cease supporting LEP’s from March 2024.


The decision provided the Council with the opportunity to shape an even more locally focussed investment and support package for Telford & Wrekin businesses and residents.


Cabinet Members welcomed the report and expressed their appreciation to the LEP for their work since 2012.


RESOLVED - that:


a)    the establishment of a Joint Committee with Shropshire Council and Herefordshire Council to oversee, manage and distribute the assets and responsibilities of the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) be approved;

b)    Authority be delegated to the Director: Housing, Employment & Infrastructure in consultation with the Director: Finance & Human Resources and Cabinet Member for Place (The Economy & Neighbourhood Services) to make necessary arrangements for the management of resources, functions and responsibilities of the LEP in accordance with Government guidelines and;

c)    Authority be delegated to the Director: Policy & Governance to enter into any necessary legal agreements to give effect to any of the proposals contained in this report or to give effect to any decisions made by the Director: Housing, Employment & Infrastructure and Director: Finance & Human Resources in accordance with the delegations granted by Cabinet in respect of this report.