Issue - meetings

Telford and Wrekin Alcohol and Drugs Strategy 2024-2029

Meeting: 04/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 45)

45 Telford and Wrekin Alcohol and Drugs Strategy 2024-2029 pdf icon PDF 338 KB

To receive an update on Telford and Wrekin Alcohol and Drugs Strategy 2024-2029.


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Cllr Kelly Middleton - Cabinet Member: Healthy, Safer & Stronger Communities & Partnerships presented the Telford and Wrekin Alcohol and Drugs Strategy 2024-2029 which had been developed by the Telford and Wrekin Alcohol and Drugs Partnership Board during 2023.


Addiction to alcohol and other substances had a huge impact in society and in England an estimated 600,000 people dependent on alcohol and 300,000 on substances which was more prevalent in the most deprived communities and led to inequalities in health.


The previous strategy had been approved by Cabinet in 2019 and had achieved its three key aims which included increasing the number of people receiving alcohol treatment, improving outcomes for alcohol and drugs treatment and providing better support for children and young people affected by their parents’ addiction.  The Covid 19 pandemic had brought major challenges to the implementation of the strategy and had a significant impact on partnership planning and access to services.


In 2023, a new Alcohol and Drugs Strategy was approved by the Telford and Wrekin Community Safety Partnership with priorities identified as prevention, a reduction in alcohol and drug related harm, treatment and recovery support.  It also set out to reduce deaths caused by alcohol, hospital admissions and, offending together with other harm to local communities.


Cabinet Members welcomed the Strategy and highlighted that prevention was key for a good standard of living along with treatment and recovery.   It also recognised the impact on children and the generational impact.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group welcomed the Strategy and commented on the national statistics and felt that more funding would be of benefit to this area of work.


The Deputy Leader of the Conservative Group was supportive of the Strategy which worked towards national guidelines and best practice.  He considered that alcohol abuse should be recognised on the same scale as drug abuse due to the similarity of destructive tendencies and welcomed the prevention, moderation and management of these behaviours.


RESOLVED – that the Telford & Wrekin Alcohol and Drugs Strategy 2024-2029 be approved.