29 Telford Land Deal Update PDF 414 KB
To receive an update on the Telford Land Deal.
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The Cabinet Member: Place (The Economy & Neighbourhood Services) presented the report of the Director: Prosperity & Investment. The report set out the continued achievements of the Telford Land Deal, which had delivered new high skilled local jobs, created growth and security in the local supply chain and new homes across the Borough.
Since the Council entered into the Land Deal eight years ago, the Deal had cumulatively delivered the sale of a total of 32 commercial sites and 24 sites for residential development, accounting for 1525 new homes and supported commercial premises delivering 2233 new jobs, many in engineering and manufacturing adding skilled job opportunities for the Borough’s communities.
As part of the Land Deal, the Council had taken ownership of all residual non developable land from Homes England. This provided an opportunity to substantially enhance and grow the Borough’s provision of Green Network and Local Nature Reserves, alongside providing support to a range of programmes including the Great Crested Newt District Licencing Scheme, carbon offsetting and Biodiversity Net Gain.
Cabinet Members welcomed the report and thanked the officers and partners involved. Members noted the positive impact the Land Deal continued to have on the Borough and its residents.
The Leader of the Conservative Group welcomed the report and commended the work of the Council in creating thousands of jobs and new homes for residents.
The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group welcomed the report and noted that it provided a good balance between environmental protection and continued development of the Borough.
RESOLVED – that the outcomes achieved during the 2022/2023 financial year and overall since the Land Deal commenced in 2015 be noted.