Issue - meetings

Customer Feedback Reports for 2022-23

Meeting: 26/07/2023 - Audit Committee (Item 17)

17 Customer Feedback Reports for 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 521 KB

To receive the report on Customer Feedback 2022-23.

Additional documents:


The Service Delivery Manager: Customer Relationships and Welfare Services presented the Customer Feedback Reports for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 which set out assurance that the Council’s response to complaints was effective and services continued to improve following feedback.


There had been a sustained increase of compliments year on year with 566 compliments received during the reporting period, an increase of 19 and a 95% increase over the previous four years. 


Complaints had reduced by 13% to 656 from the previous year.


Children’s Services complaints had been at the lowest rate in eight years with response times reducing from 12 days to 11 days.


Response times on Adult Services complaints had reduced from 33 days to 25 days.


Further proactive work continued on the mystery shopper programme, customer satisfaction surveys, back to the floor initiatives and benchmarking exercises. 


The Council became a member of the Institute of Customer Services (ICS) in January 2022.  Following a benchmarking survey, Telford and Wrekin Council achieved an index score of 75.12 against other local government sectors who achieved an average of 70.28.


Satisfaction rates for the contact centre remained high at 91% with calls being answered within 10 minutes.


Members welcomed the positive outcomes of the report, particularly noting the importance of how complaints and compliments were handled, together with the direction of travel of children and adult services complaints.   This was a testament to the hard work of the staff.  It was pleasing to Members that telephone calls continued to be a source of communication and positive feedback on the myTelford App had been received from local residents.


The report was noted.