Issue - meetings

CSE Inquiry - Update

Meeting: 13/07/2023 - Full Council (Item 25)

25 CSE Inquiry - Update pdf icon PDF 179 KB

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The Cabinet Member: Place (The Economy & Neighbourhood Services) presented the report of the Director: Policy & Governance. A short video was played from survivor representatives. The report provided a summary a year on from the publication of the independent inquiry’s report; the inquiry had been led by Tom Crowther KC.


Following a robust debate it was:


RESOLVED – that:


a)    The progress made by the Council against the actions contained within the report pf the Independent Inquiry into CSE in Telford published on 12 July 2023 be noted;

b)   The Annual Report of the CSE Joint Review Action Group attached at Appendix A of the report be noted;

c)    The updates provided by those with lived experience as to the progress of implementation of recommendations be noted.