Issue - meetings

Telford & Wrekin Becoming Carbon Neutral and Plastic Free - update report

Meeting: 19/10/2023 - Cabinet (Item 33)

33 Telford & Wrekin Becoming Carbon Neutral and Plastic Free - Update Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To receive an update on Telford & Wrekin becoming Carbon Neutral and Plastic Free.

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The Cabinet Member: Leisure, Climate Action, Green Spaces & Heritage presented the report of the Director: Communities, Customer & Commercial Services. The report provided an update on the progress made to meeting the Council’s target of becoming Carbon Zero by 2030, and progress with removing single use plastics from Council operations.


Since Telford and Wrekin Council declared a climate emergency in 2019, the Council have implemented strategies to decarbonise the corporate estate, explore renewable energy feasibility, support communities in decarbonisation and build resilience against the impacts of climate change. This has seen the introduction of solar panels on Council buildings, expansion of the electric vehicle fleet and additional support provided to residents to reduce their home emissions. NuPlace had also carried out significant work regarding sustainable, energy efficient property development, above the current national building regulations, which has allowed residents to save on energy costs.


Members were informed that the Telford and Wrekin Council Corporate Climate Change Plan was updated on a continuous basis and further work was underway with the Council Environment Scrutiny Committee.


The Council were working collaboratively to reduce the amount of single use plastics in the borough. Collectively Telford & Wrekin Plastic Free Taskforce were working to achieve plastic free community status for the borough by 2024, which required 70% of the borough to be accredited. At the time of the meeting Newport, Madeley and Wellington Town Councils had achieved this. Oakengates, Great Dawley, Hollinswood & Randlay and Hadley & Leegomery and the Gorge Town and Parish Councils had also signed up and were currently working to achieve their accreditation, meaning the Council were on track to achieve Borough accreditation within the next 12 months.


Cabinet Members welcomed the report and noted the significant progress made and actions currently in progress. There was a discussion around how combatting climate change can positively impact residents’ health and finances.


RESOLVED - that:


a)      The progress the Council has made over the last 12 months in its journey to become carbon neutral by 2030 and that it has now reduced its carbon emissions by 60% from a 2018/19 baseline be noted;

b)      The refreshed Corporate Action Plan be approved;

c)      The progress the Council is making to remove single use plastics corporately and as part of that supporting the Telford and Wrekin Plastic Free Task Force to achieve borough wide accreditation be noted; and.

d)      The report be referred to Full Council for information as part of the 'Matters Determined by the Cabinet' report.