Issue - meetings

Annual Public Health Report

Meeting: 11/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 57)

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The Cabinet Member: Healthy, Safer & Stronger Communities & Partnerships presented the report of the Director: Health & Wellbeing (Statutory Director of Public Health).


The report asked Cabinet to endorse the recommendations as set out in the Annual Public Health Report 2024 which aimed to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people in the borough.   It sought to ensure all children felt valued, visible and emotionally well and were able to access opportunities to achieve tehir aspirations and lead happy fulfilling lives.


An update on the local position across the Public Health Outcomes Framework provided a picture of the population health indicators across the life course.


Important work being undertaken included the Youth Year of Wellbeing campaign which celebrated projects and initiatives which supported and developed young people’s emtion health and wellbeing.  A targeted, community-based approach to improving outcomes was aligned to Government guidance.


Cabinet Members commented that it was important that children and young people get the best start in life and that they were supported emotionally.  It was important that their views were listened to.  Working alongside partners progress was being made but there were still challenges ahead.


The Deputy Leader of the Conservative Group welcomed the report but noted there was some uncomfortable reading.  He highlighted that the figures for the young people not in education, employment or training (NEETS) of 16/17 year olds was now better than the England average and that vaccination rates were good.   Consultation with young people themselves was a good approach and following the initial set of responses, 81 male and 16 female he felt that more could be done to encourage better female response rates.  It was encouraging that the number of young people in contact with alcohol and drug services had reduced.


The Leader confirmed that the Council would continue to look at public health with a long lens and would continue to be creative and innovative in relation to youth employment, health and the economy. 


RESOLVED – that the recommendations set out in the Annual Public Health Report 2024, improving the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people in the borough be endorsed.