351 TWC/2021/0190 Maddocks Hill and Quarry, Little Wenlock, Telford, Shropshire PDF 208 KB
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This application was a change of use from former quarry to educational fieldwork centre including the erection of 3no. Iron-Age roundhouses, 1no. multi-purpose activity structure, warden’s accommodation & 5no. camping pods at Maddocks Hill and Quarry, Little Wenlock, Telford, Shropshire
An update report was tabled at the meeting and highlighted a further four representations objecting to the proposal and raised concerns regarding rewilding of the site, biodiversity habitat loss and impact on designations, ecology, drainage, use of timber from woodland, access to site for emergency services, highway access and use and the impact on the Wrekin Forest.
The Planning Officer outlined the application and informed Members that some photographs had been received from the speakers which would be displayed during the speaking slot.
Councillor J Seymour, Ward Member, had requested that the application be determined by the Planning Committee.
Councillor J Seymour, Ward Councillor spoke against the application. Although she was supportive of the project she felt that the Wrekin Strategic Landscape was not the ideal location. Concerns were raised regarding the inadequacy of the solar panels, power and water production and storage, run off for the rain water and inadequate toilet/cleaning facilities for up to 38 daily participants. In relation to Hatch Lane, further concerns were raised regarding access, traffic, antisocial behaviour, vulnerability of the site and the potential for parking issues from visitors to the Wrekin and how enforcement would take place.
Councillor H Betts spoke against the application on behalf of the Parish Council and raised concerns regarding the location of the site within the Shropshire Hills Area of Natural Beauty (AONB) and the Wrekin Strategic Landscape. There was a long history of anti-social behaviour on Hatch Lane and he raised further concerns regarding access, rights of way and parking from visitors to the Wrekin, the lack of running water and mains electricity and housing on the site. He asked Members to refuse the application.
Mr M Fennell-Fox, member of the public, spoke against the application and raised concerns regarding the ditch, lack of culvert at the intersection of the ditch and Footpath 55 and water running down through the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), the treatment of the effluent discharge, the lack of public water supply, the site being within the Strategic Landscape and the surveys in relation to wildlife which he felt were not undertaken during breeding season.
Mr E Hanlon, member of the public, raised concerns in relation to the harmful impact on wildlife and the geological sites and the lack of net gain or mitigation measures. This uninhabited area currently had no footfall and live sports, such as archery, would have an impact on biodiversity which was protected on this site. There would be disturbance on the flora and fauna and an impact on timber within the ancient woodland. The site would be operated all year round and would irreversibly change the character of the Wrekin Forest.
Mr J Salt, Applicant’s Agent spoke in favour of the application. Although he appreciated the concerns ... view the full minutes text for item 351