Issue - meetings

Ercall Magna Neighbourhood Development Plan - Referendum Version

Meeting: 13/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Ercall Magna Neighbourhood Development Plan - Referendum Version pdf icon PDF 292 KB

To agree the findings of the Independent Examiner and the required modifications to the Ercall Magna Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Homes & Enforcement presented the report of the Director: Housing, Employment & Infrastructure.


The report sought approval for the implementation of the recommendations from the Independent Examiner in relation to modifications to the Ercall Magna Neighbourhood Development Plan and to proceed to a referendum on the Neighbourhood Development Plan.


Ercall Magna Parish Council submitted their neighbourhood development plan in June 2022.  All statutory checks and a six week publication period took place where written representations could be received.  An Independent Examiner was appointed to conduct an external examination of the Ercall Manga Parish Neighbourhood Plan (EMNP) with the report being received in June 2023 with recommendations to proceed to Referendum subject to a number of modifications which had been applied to the Referendum Versions of the EMNP attached to the report at Appendix 1.


The Referendum version of the EMNP supported the policy approach to Ercall Magna and the rural area in the adopted Telford & Wrekin Local Plan.


A further report would be brought to Cabinet for consideration following the outcome of the Referendum.




a)    the findings of the Independent Examiner that, subject to his

recommended modifications, the Ercall Magna Neighbourhood Development Plan meets the “basic conditions” and all other legal requirements as summarised in this report and in the Independent Examiner’s report be agreed;


b)    the required modifications to the Ercall Magna

Neighbourhood Development Plan and that the Ercall Magna Neighbourhood Development Plan Referendum Version (July 2023) should proceed to Referendum be agreed;


c)    the Referendum Area should not be extended beyond the designated area to which the Ercall Magna Neighbourhood Development Plan relates be agreed; and


d)   the Returning Officer proceed to exercise all the relevant powers and duties and undertake all necessary arrangements for the Ercall Magna Neighbourhood Development Plan (Referendum Version) to now proceed to Referendum and for the Referendum to take place asking the question whether the voter wants Telford

& Wrekin Council to use this neighbourhood development plan for the Ercall Magna Neighbourhood Development Plan area to help it decide planning applications in this neighbourhood area be agreed.