14 Climate Change Guidance for Development - Supplementary Planning Document PDF 338 KB
To approve the Supplementary Climate Change Guidance for Developers.
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The Cabinet Member: Homes & Enforcement and the Cabinet Member: Climate Action Green Spaces, Heritage & Leisure presented the report of the Director: Housing, Employment & Infrastructure.
The report sought adoption of the Climate Change Guidance for Developers – Supplementary Planning Document (Climate Change SPD).
A Climate Change Action Plan (2020) had been published and this was reviewed on a regular basis. The Climate Change SPD was central to shaping new ‘climate ready’ development and built upon the existing Local Plan policy to set out clear guidance on the design of new housing, commercial and renewable energy developments.
A consultation and engagement programme took place in February and March 2023 and this resulted in the changes set out in the report.
The Climate Change SPD would allow the Council to continue with the effective use of its resources and support the efficient delivery of the Planning Application process.
Good quality homes were important but they also needed to incorporate fabrics that were able to adapt to conditions such as heat, cold and wet weather. It was important to future proof developments in respect of drainage schemes due to changes in weather patterns and the risk of flash flooding.
Future home standards were due to come into force in 2025 but, currently, new developments could be built out with no solar panels or EV charging points as this could not currently be mandated.
The SPD set out the direction of travel on energy efficient homes and this was a step forward in the right direction.
Cabinet Members welcomed the report and the work that had been undertaken. They noted the impact in terms of health in relation to damp and air quality and reducing fuel costs. Developers were encouraged to engage in the policies.
The Leader of the Liberal Democrat group welcomed the report. He noted the issue of viability was a national planning issue and awaited the introduction of the national guidelines.
The Leader of the Conservative group acknowledged the advantages of solar panels, good insulation and ground pumps within developments but raised issues in relation to costs within the current housing market. He asked if the Council were lobbying government to bring this agenda forward and to request local powers to insist on better standards. It was noted that currently there was no easy solution.
The Leader stated that frustrations were felt cross party on sustainability of developments and he welcomed government plans to change the dynamics around developers/landowners. He noted the good practice that was taking place in Wales in relation to interest free loans for retrospective solar panels and pumps. The Council had been lobbying government on this issue but felt that the retrofit costs were far greater than bringing forward the future homes standards.
RESOLVED – that the Climate Change Guidance for Developers Supplementary Planning Document for determining planning application within the Borough of Telford & Wrekin be approved.