61 Interim Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations PDF 310 KB
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The Director: Policy & Governance presented the report which outlined the review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations following an extension of the consultation as a result of the boundaries not being laid by Parliament. Members were advised that the Order pertaining to the Borough and Parish boundaries had recently been laid in Parliament and the boundaries as outlined by the Boundary Commission were confirmed as the Boundaries from May 2023.
The report outlined the proposals for each polling district. A public consultation exercise had taken place. Any feedback that had been received had been considered when developing the proposals and details of that feedback was included within the report before Members. There were few changes to the proposed stations from previously, any changes were related to ensuring the polling stations met the updated legal requirements.
Members discussed various proposed polling stations around the Borough.
Members thanked officers for their work over the years whilst the Boundary Review was being conducted and for producing a comprehensive report that highlighted the proposed polling place, districts and stations.
a) the relocations and redesignation of Polling Districts as set out in the report and at Appendix 1 of the report, amending the electoral register from 1 February 2023 to take effect from the local elections to be held on 4 May 2023 be approved
b) authority be delegated to the Returning Officer to make further changes to Polling Places or Polling Stations that may occur before the elections on 4 May 2023, including making changes to any Polling Place for any reason should it become necessary for the purpose of holding elections across the Borough.