318 TWC/2022/0804 - Land west of, Hollinshead Way, Old Park, Telford, Shropshire PDF 155 KB
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This was an s73 application to vary conditions on previously granted consent that allowed the import of soil for surcharging. The 2016 consent had been implemented but had not been completed. The consent conditioned HGV routing to ensure the eastern access to the site was used, deliveries between 7am and 7pm avoiding school pick up times, and an ecology survey. The 2018 variation allowed for the import of soil in an ad hoc manner and the creation of the labelled Mound A up to 5m in height. Mound A stood at 2m in height meaning that there was still capacity to the 5m limit.
The application proposed the importation of clean soil to the site in order to carry out surcharging works to improve ground strength and to monitor the settlement of the ground. All works would be carried out within the 4,500sqm site identified on the submitted Block Plan as ‘Mound B’. This would not been done on an ad hoc basis but brought to the site over a one month period with 130 a lorries a day from the donor site in the town centre. The access condition would need to be varied for western access to the site. An amended route plan had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting.
Due to the increased intensity of importation, the original hours of transportation were no longer considered appropriate. New hours had been negotiated with transit permitted between 7:30am and 4:30pm.
The plans worked towards the Council’s carbon neutral ambitions in that the soil would not be being transported out of the Borough to landfill.
Members raised points relating to the possible impact on retail and queried when the transport would likely start.
Officers stated that the movement of soil was not thought to be imminent but there was no set start date.
On being put to the vote it was, by a majority:
RESOLVED – that the Committee grant planning permission to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager, subject to the following:
A) No further representations being received during what remains of the consultation period which raise material considerations which are, in the opinion of the Development Management Service Delivery Manager after consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee, of such significance that the application should be reported back to Planning Committee for re-consideration and determination.
B) The following Condition(s) and Informative(s) (with authority to finalise and impose additional Conditions to be delegated to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager):
A04 Full with No Reserved Matters
B150 Constructive Environmental
Management Plan (to include anti-mud measures)
B049 Pre-works and post-works survey on highway/access
C020 Works in Accordance with Traffic Management/Routing Plan
Ccust Chemical Certification
C38 Development in
Accordance with Plans
D11 Hours of Work
C091 Works in Accordance with
Ecological Report