Issue - meetings

TWC/20xx/xxxx -

Meeting: 27/07/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 292)

292 TWC/2021/0473 - Site of former Haygate Pub, 26 Haygate Road, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire pdf icon PDF 157 KB

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This was an application for the erection of 18no one and two bedroom apartments together with associated parking and external works on the site of the former Haygate Pub, 26 Haygate Road, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire


This application was before Planning Committee as it required a S106 Agreement.


The Planning Officer informed Members that this application was a mix of one and two bedroomed apartments on brownfield land in the heart of Wellington.  It was in easy walking distance of transport links, convenience stores, the market and the town centre.  There was an under provision of five car parking spaces but it had ample indoor storage for bicycles and electric vehicle charging points.  The design had evolved from the original submission, it was a three storey building, predominantly finished in brick with render detailing to emphasise the entrance.  As there was no set design pattern in the local area, a modern approach had been taken which picked up on features from the local vicinity such as the render banding. All but one property met the national design space standards (NDSS).  The existing boundary wall would be retained.  Although there would be a loss of two low quality immature ash trees, the hardstanding around the remaining TPO trees on the west boundary would be removed which would be beneficial.  Financial contributions were sought for education, recreation and sports facilities.  On balance it was considered to be a viable development.


During the debate some Members raised concerns regarding the lack of parking spaces and whether there would be any scope to renegotiate the level of parking and the positioning of the bin store.  They raised that as the public house had been demolished it would be an improvement to the site and they could see no reason for the application to be refused.  Other Members raised concerns about the removal of trees and these not being replaced and what assurances were in place in relation to the replacement of trees.  Further concerns were raised in relation to the double yellow lines and that the building was demolished without permission and should be rebuilt.  Some further concerns were raised regarding the lack of affordable housing, on street parking, the entrance tunnel and access for emergency vehicles and the bin wagon.  It was also felt that the levels could be amended to a flat roof in order it was not so imposing on neighbouring properties.  Viability and design also raised concerns, together with the access and egress from the flats out into the parking spaces.


The Planning Officer confirmed that this was the maximum of parking spaces that could be provided. The TPO on the trees were outside of the development boundary but a tree protection plan and method statement would be in place.  It was predominantly a loss of two immature ash trees with a wealth of landscaping over and above what was currently on site.  In relation to the demolition of the building without permission, retrospective permission had since been granted.  The site  ...  view the full minutes text for item 292