Decision details

TWC/2022/0162 - Former Dairy Crest Ltd (Phase 3), Crudgington, Telford, Shropshire

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


This was an application for a Deed of Variation to an existing S106 agreement. An updated financial viability assessment advised that the development including the provision of a four-arm roundabout to replace crossroads currently at the site would be unviable with the S106 education contributions.

Cllr S Bentley, ward councillor, spoke in favour of the application citing the delivery of contributions for previous phases of the development and the importance of the new roundabout.


Following his representation, Cllr Bentley left the meeting room for the duration of the item.

Mr A Sheldon, the applicant, spoke for the application noting the challenges posed by inflation and increased build costs.

The Area Team Planning Manager drew Members attention to the written update report that had been circulated setting out an additional objection from a resident regarding education provision.


In the ensuing discussion, Members expressed concern at the number of viability assessments they had been encountering. The importance of developing a roundabout on the site was also expressed.


On being put to a vote, it was, by majority:


RESOLVED – that Delegated Authority be granted to the Service Delivery Manager to APPROVE THE DEED OF VARIATION TO THE S106 AGREEMENT subject to:


A)        Installation of Play Equipment – on existing Play Area in previous phase of development; and


B)        Monitoring Fee - £741.00.


Publication date: 13/09/2023

Date of decision: 19/07/2023

Decided at meeting: 19/07/2023 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: