
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
TWC/2023/0028 Site of former Stirchley Recreation Centre, Grange Avenue, Stirchley, Telford, Shropshire ref: 19915/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
TWC/2022/0596 Land adjacent & site of former Abacus Day Nursery, Main Road, Ketley Bank, Telford, Shropshire ref: 19815/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
TWC/2022/0398 Site of Portico House, 22 Donnington House/land to rear, Vineyard Road, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire ref: 19715/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
TWC/2022/0396 Site of Portico House, 22 Donnington House/land to rear, Vineyard Road, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire ref: 19615/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
TWC/2021/0806 Land corner of Colliers Way/Rock Road, The Rock, Telford, Shropshire ref: 20115/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
TWC/2021/0190 Maddocks Hill and Quarry, Little Wenlock, Telford, Shropshire ref: 20015/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in