Issue - meetings

Setting of Council Tax Base 2023/24

Meeting: 19/01/2023 - Full Council (Item 248)

248 Setting of Council Tax Base 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 195 KB

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The Cabinet Member: Finance, Governance & Customer Services presented the report of the Director: Finance & Human Resources.


As required, a Recorded Vote was taken:


For: (44) Councillors S Bentley, K T Blundell, M Boylan, S P Burrell, E Callear, E J Carter, L D Carter, G H Cook, S Davies, A J Eade, A R H England, N A M England, R C Evans, I T W Fletcher, V A Fletcher, J Gough, C Healy, M B Hosken, T L B Janke, A S Jhawar, J Jones, G Latham-Reynolds, J Lavery, A Lawrence, A D McClements, R Mehta, K Middleton, T J Nelson, G Offland, R A Overton, S A W Reynolds, S J Reynolds, H Rhodes, P J Scott, C F Smith, B J Thompson, W L Tomlinson, C R Turley, P R Watling, B Wennington, D R W White, D Wright.


Against: (0)


Abstain: (0)


RESOLVED – that:


a)    The calculation of the tax base as detailed in paragraph 4.4 and Appendix A of the report be approved;

b)   In accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012:2914), the amount calculated for Telford and Wrekin Council Tax base for 2023/24 for its Special Fund Area shall be as per the appropriate parish amounts as detailed in Appendix A of the report for the parishes listed in paragraph 4.5 of the report.