Issue - meetings

Independent Inquiry Update Report

Meeting: 10/11/2022 - Full Council (Item 230)

230 Independent Inquiry Update Report pdf icon PDF 313 KB

To receive an update report in respect of the steps that have been taken to support, and progress, the implementation of recommendations following the publication of the report of Mr Tom Crowther KC, the Independent Chair of the Independent Inquiry into CSE in Telford.

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The Cabinet Lead: Independent Inquiry presented the report of the Director: Policy & Governance which provided Members with an update in respect of the steps that had been taken to support, and progress, the implantation of the recommendations following the publication of the report of Mr Tom Crowther KC, the Independent Chair of the Independent Inquiry into CSE in Telford (‘the Inquiry’) on 12 July 2022.




a)    The updates contained within the report in respect of the steps taken following publication of the Independent Inquiry into CSE in Telford to ensure recommendations are implemented be noted;

b)   The governance model for implementing the recommendations as set out in Appendix A of the report be noted;

c)    The steps taken to date to secure an Independent Chair and an Independent Facilitator for the Strategic Implementation Group as identified within the report be noted;

d)   Authority be delegated to the Director: Policy & Governance to take all steps necessary to engage the Independent Chair and Independent Facilitator for the Strategic Implementation Group as identified within the report;

e)    Authority be delegated to the Director: Policy & Governance to take all steps necessary to engage an Independent Chair for the CSE Partners Group as identified within the report.