Issue - meetings

Terms of References 2022/23-Standards Committee

Meeting: 28/09/2022 - Standards Committee (Item 6)

6 Terms of References 2022/23-Standards Committee pdf icon PDF 152 KB

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The Service Delivery Manager: Legal & Democracy presented the report which asked Members to review Terms of Reference for Standards Committee. 


The Constitution required that Full Council should agree at its Annual Meeting the Terms of Reference for each of its Committees to enable the Council to efficiently conduct its business. 


The Terms of Reference forms part of the Constitution and was approved by Full Council in that context on 3 March 2022.


There was one minor change suggested to the Terms of Reference (shown in red on Appendix 1 of the report) to provide clarity around the process for appointment of a Chair for the Committee. It noted that the Chair was appointed by Full Council (in line with the Constitution) but set out that a Vice-Chair may be appointed by a majority decision of the Committee if required. 


During the debate a question arose regarding whether the Terms of Reference should refer to either one or two Independent Persons.


The Director: Policy & Governance explained to the Committee that by having two Independent Persons it allowed the Council to remain within the statutory requirements in case of the unavailability or resignation of an independent person.


It was proposed that the agreed Terms of Reference be amended to reflect the appointment of two Independent Persons.


RESOLVED- that the Terms of Reference be agreed subject to the amendment to include the appointment of two Independent Persons.