Agenda item

TWC/2019/0672 - Land adjacent 39 Shawbirch Road, Admaston, Telford, Shropshire


This application was for the erection of a new medical centre (Class D1) with associated parking and landscaping on land adjacent to 39 Shawbirch Road, Admaston, Telford, Shropshire.


This application had been called in by the neighbouring Ward Councillor.


A written update was circulated at the meeting which contained information regarding formatting errors within the report, a correction to the Ward Councillor comments, the receipt of 12 letters of support and the submission of an additional plan showing the indicative location of highway works.


Councillor B Tomlinson, adjoining Ward Councillor, agreed with the application in principle but raised concerns with difficulties with the planning portal prior to the Committee meeting, the loss of green network, water supply pipe, road access, the preference of pedestrian refuges to a single signalised crossing, limited bus service, lack of footpath, highway safety, amount of vehicular movements, lack of disabled car parking spaces and felt that there should be a taxi parking and a drop-off point.


Dr P Davies, Applicant, informed Members that the current surgery had been extended twice and there was no further scope to extend and that this had been identified by the CCG in 2016 as a high level need.  The practice could grow up to another 4,000 patients which could not be accommodated on the current site.  The development would have capacity for up to 20,000 patients and would be a vibrant community based hub with a project based business case and funding from the CCG of £1m.  The grant from the CCG was time limited until March 2020.  Other sites had been explored but proved unsuitable.  The site was close to a bypass, easily accessible and fully viable and had support from local residents.


The Planning Officer informed Members that the development was within the urban boundary and although on the green network the development could be allowed due to the exceptional circumstances of the case and the significant social and community gains. The green network currently had little contribution to visual and ecological value and the benefits on balance were in favour of the medical centre.   Highway safety was the key consideration and pedestrian refuges would be located along Shawbirch Road either side of Brandon Avenue with the existing pavement being extended to meet the refuge secured by a Section 278 Agreement and this would be beneficial to pedestrians, especially vulnerable ones, who would be able to cross the road in a two stage process.


The Highways Officer informed Members that the development would frame the gateway to Brandon Avenue and this would reinforce the speed limit in place. There would be adequate parking and although a mini roundabout had been considered this was not required as the junction had been capacity tested and would operate at one quarter capacity and there would be no dropped kerbs.  Pedestrian safety had been addressed by the pedestrian refuges and a signalised pedestrian crossing would be difficult to achieve.  Severn Trent had no objections and the design and scale was considered appropriate with suitable separation distances from the nearby properties, but secure glazing would be added to protect privacy, where necessary.


During the discussion some Members felt that this was a good news story and due to its time limited nature it should be approved, but it was suggested that the neighbouring ward councillor should continue to fight for a signalised pedestrian crossing.  Other Members considered the development attractive and that the solar panels were a benefit although a concern was raised that there was a delivery bay but no ambulance bay.   Further concerns were raised regarding opening hours and if the contributions towards highway improvements were conditioned but on the whole Members fully supported the application.


The Planning Officer confirmed that opening hours would be secured via Planning Condition and confirmed the financial contributions would be secured by a condition and Section 278 Agreement.


Upon being put to the vote it was, unanimously:-


RESOLVED - that in respect planning application TWC/2019/0672 that delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant full planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report and the update report (with authority to finalise conditions and reasons for approval to be delegated to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager).


Supporting documents: