Agenda and draft minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board - Thursday 22 June 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Fourth Floor, Addenbrooke House, Ironmasters Way, Telford, TF3 4NT

Contact: Kieran Robinson  01952 382061

No. Item


Declarations of Interest




Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 364 KB


RESOLVED – that the minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2023 be agreed.


Public Speaking




Terms of Reference 2023/2024 pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that the Terms of Reference 2023/2024 be agreed.


JSNA Update pdf icon PDF 274 KB


The Board received a presentation on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) from the Insight Manager, Telford & Wrekin Council. The presentation provided a brief overview of key statistics and insights that were available via the Telford & Wrekin Insight webpage. There had been an update to this as new census data had been released. Further data from the 2021 census was due in late 2023.


Following the update, members of the Board praised the utility of the Insight webpage, noting the importance of data in policy. Members also noted that the data highlighted some concerning trends, such as high mortality for those with Serious Mental Illness, and that these issues needed to be investigated in more detail.


Members of the Board noted the update.


Health & Wellbeing Strategy Engagement


S Fogell, Healthwatch Telford & Wrekin, gave a presentation on the engagement work carried out around the Health & Wellbeing Strategy.


Alongside the Council, Healthwatch Telford & Wrekin had undertaken a series of focus groups looking at the draft strategy, asking people what the priorities and themes meant to them. Three focus groups took part in the engagement exercise.


The Board were informed that generally the vision set out in the strategy resonated with people, with those surveyed finding that most of the priorities it outlined were pertinent. One thing people had noted was the lack of reference to discrimination and gambling in the strategy.


Members of the Board were provided with a range of headline findings relating to the key areas within the strategy.


A discussion followed the presentation with members noting the importance of consulting residents and sense checking the work that was undertaken. It was also suggested that further work might have been required to improve communication around some of the offers in the Borough, such as Live Well Telford and the health activities run throughout the area.


The Board noted the presentation.


Health & Wellbeing Strategy pdf icon PDF 323 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Health & Wellbeing presented the Health & Wellbeing Strategy.


The previous strategy had been launched in 2020, not long after the start of the Covid 19 pandemic. Residents had lived through that pandemic and now a cost of living crisis. Both had an impact on residents’ health and wellbeing.


The approach to the strategy had been for it to be overarching and for it to look at numerous different plans and activities. There was a focus on the wider determinants of health as well as healthy lifestyles, a community centred approach, and integrated health & social care care. The heart of the strategy was on closing the gap in health inequalities.


Members of the Board praised the report and noted in particular the importance of closing the gap in health inequalities.


RESOLVED – that the Board approve the strategy for publication.  


ICB Joint Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 581 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Partnerships and Place (NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin) presented the Integrated Care Board (ICB) Joint Forward Plan.


The version of the report presented was the tenth iteration of the plan, a draft version of which had been published at the end of March 2023. The plan attempted not to duplicate on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy but to create a live, iterative, forward plan that highlighted the work that was being done.


Further engagement on the plan was to be undertaken to engage seldom heard groups. As a result, final publication had been pushed back.


The forward plan was being used as a system plan with a focus on prevention, delivering the Integrated Care and Health and Wellbeing strategies, and looking at where to put organisations’ ‘Telford pounds’.


In discussion, Members noted the interconnection between the plans and strategies referenced and the importance of co-working to ensure their delivery.


Members also discussed the need to get the public on-board and to listen to their concerns and feedback.


The Board were keen to see the ‘Telford pound’ best utilised and stressed the importance of cooperation.


The Board noted the ICB Joint Forward Plan.


BeeU Update pdf icon PDF 422 KB


The Associate Director Transformation and Commissioning (ICS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin) presented the Board with an update on BeeU.


Telford and Wrekin was no different from other areas in terms of having a waiting list to access children and young people’s mental health services. It was necessary, therefore, to look at meeting the needs of those awaiting access. There were a number of initiatives to meet the needs of individuals whilst they were waiting and it was recognised that diagnosis was only a part of the process. Whilst diagnosis was important, it did not change people’s needs.


Numerous changes were still to come and next steps were set out at the end of the report. A lot of work was being undertaken in the background to align efforts so as to address needs collectively.


From September, there was the intention to look at reviewing the CYP transformation plan that been coproduced across the health system.


Discussions following the presentation focussed on the need for a multidisciplinary approach to mental health care and the importance of helping people whilst they were on waiting lists.


The Board noted the report.


Leisure Strategy pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Service Delivery Manager: Operations delivered the Leisure Strategy presentation.


Telford & Wrekin had a huge leisure offer and a large potential reach. The team worked with schools to deliver both curricular and extracurricular activities. The Council also offered commissioned and targeted initiatives. 


The Board heard that there were a number of inclusive policies in Telford & Wrekin and opportunities to build upon these, which included existing policies such as pricing, 10 by 10, and the swimming offer. Additionally, there was a range of support available for people nervous about, or new to, exercise.


Members were shown two case study videos highlighting the positive impact that leisure services had had on residents’ lives.


In surveying of members of the public, 42% of respondents had wanted to be more physically active. To address this, barriers preventing people doing more exercise had been examined.


It was found that facilities in the Borough were of good quality and suitably located but that there should be more work done to bring health and leisure strategies together. Recommendations in this area included colocation of services and the offering of flexible spaces that could meet various needs.


The team wished to look at co-delivery and co-location of services along with greater engagement with NHS partners.


The Board commented on the importance of the work being done and the positive impact on health of active lifestyles. Members also praised the case studies and their use for illustrating the good work that was being done in the area.


Members noted the presentation.


Annual Safeguarding Partnership Report pdf icon PDF 557 KB

To note the Annual Safeguarding Report 2021/2022.


Members noted the report.